Dear smeackles,
I have never responded on this platform before , although I've been a Member for years.
However, my heart goes out to your Daughter and I can only give you my experience. Having Primary Sjogren's which has caused the complete loss of teeth ,COPD, Autoimmune Hepatitis, Interstitial Cystitis etc. I too experienced hair loss when put on Hydroxychloroquine by my Rheumatologist but I don't have Lupus .
I happened to mention it during a private meeting with my Female Pharmacist and was told her Mother also took Hydroxychloroquine and she also experienced hair loss which she combatted with Minoxidil. I decided to cease taking Hydroxychloroquine and, in my case, my hair improved.
I'm not suggesting your Daughter does the same but decided to share my experience.
I hope with all my heart that you Daughter's side effects do subside as her mental wellbeing is just as important as her internal organs.
Sending much love xxx