I’ve been experiencing tachycardia every day for 18 months. Heart rate is totally normal lying down, POTs ruled out as HR sometimes fine standing. Things like walking upstairs can cause jump from 70 - 160, having a shower causes at least HR of 130 every day.
Interestingly it gets better the more exercise I do - start of a walk pulse rockets to over 160 after 20 minutes it calms down.
I also feel breathless and faint a lot of the time.
ECG normal, Holter monitor showed ‘minor’ issue but not sure exactly what cos cardiology can’t see me for 23 months!!
My ferritin levels are low 12 before I started iron tablets risen to 27 over 10 months.
I also take Methotrexate and folic acid but wondering if this contributes to anaemia.
how do I raise my iron levels??
My diet is good and I take prescribed iron supplements.