Just got back from rheumy review, and one of the nurses from my iron infusions was there. First infusion was amazing, I had so much energy, second one, not so much and (as per usual when driving for longer than ten minutes) I had to pull over and sleep in a lay by before I crashed the car. The Nurse was shocked at how worn out I looked today, and the rheumy is putting a referral in for me to have a sleep study done as he suspects apnoea. Anyone have this? The mask for the face looks really freaky :/ But if it's going that way, then I guess that's what I'll have to do. How does the sleep study tend to go?
Also being told I'll keep getting tested for iron levels and if they keep going down, iron infusions will become a regular thing. I'm really grateful my rheumy is on the case, he insists that we'll get everything sorted by the end of the year so at least I can try to get some of my energy back. Fingers crossed.