Covid, Paxlovid and vomiting: Hello all. I tested... - LUPUS UK


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Covid, Paxlovid and vomiting

Treetop33 profile image
16 Replies

Hello all. I tested positive for Covid, got prescribed Paxlovid and it's causing vomiting. Obviously a big problem with my other lupus meds. I've contacted the doctor but was wondering what your experiences were? Carry on taking or desist? Thanks!

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Treetop33 profile image
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16 Replies
milkwoman profile image

After 1 dose of Paxlovid, I had 8 hours of vomiting (by the end, I was vomiting bile). In between bouts, I would drink water w/electrolytes just so I would not get dehydrated. I spent most of that time on my bathroom floor. When it was finally over, I was exhausted beyond belief. I didn’t take any more Paxlovid doses! If I were you, I would not take more Paxlovid.

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to milkwoman

Thanks that is what the GP advised and I feel better already. I'm so sorry you had this experience - that's really extreme, and on top of Covid x

milkwoman profile image
milkwoman in reply to Treetop33

Glad to hear you are feeling better! Covid hit me hard. My body still isn’t the same and I’ll do anything now to avoid ever getting it again.

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to milkwoman

I know what you mean, and am sorry to hear that. I've had it three times and my health has deteriorated from where it was. But my daughter goes to school and my partner is careless. I caught it from them this time. My daughter was thoughtful and said sorry at least. What can you do?

Jenfy34 profile image

I have SLE and contracted COVID last year, prescribed paxlovid, but didn't suffer any vomiting. Is it definitely paxlovid causing the vomiting. Speak to your GP or a pharmacist.

Suvi8901 profile image

Caught covid last December 2023! 3 weeks of incessant coughing, headache, sore throat and feeling dreadful!

Given it by the 4-person surgical team during a 45 minute cataract op.

I was DOUBLY masked up (no air gaps) but still caught the virus from a team member? Presumably by breathing heavily during the op! Inhaling a load of viruses?

The GPs were most unhelpful and obstructive! Didn’t bother ringing back until 3 days later!👆😳Presumably wanted their Christmas leave?

Rang 111 who referred me onto the covid ward at the general hospital. Had a long and difficult phone interview.

Luckily STILL within the timeframe for antivirals!☝️👍

Antivirals are only effective if taken more or less straight away after testing positive for covid19!


MOLNUPIRAVIR (gov.U.K.) specifically for those on immunosuppressant medication. Started the huge capsules qds for 7 days (1 week course/ every 6 hours) immediately. Couldn’t pick them up myself, too ill. Named helpful neighbour to do so!👏

Felt much better within 2-3days!👍

No vomiting at all but loads of white frothy catarrh/mucus/sputum!

Coughed up loads plus a runny nose.😨😰

Trust my experiences help?

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to Suvi8901

Yes thanks. I wasn't offered the drug you were - obviously we all react better to some more than others. I did get them a day after testing positive. I've been off them a day now and am feeling, well, just about ok.

So glad you are feeling better.

Potatoheat profile image

I was lucky, just had one day of fast tummy. Foul taste in my throat , lived on mugs of hot chocolate. Think I got off lightly . Hope yours settles , no point in upsetting everything else. ❤️

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to Potatoheat

That was lucky! Yeah settling down now. Ate more today although it's going to be slow. x

OldTed60 profile image

Hi. I had Covid first time about 6 weeks ago - 5 weeks after major bowel surgery. I picked it up from my husband who has all but given up on avoiding it or masking, as had I until now. Got it really badly but most of all in my gut with vomiting and diarrhoea. The anti viral dr who phoned me same day said that this latest variant is causing some to have gastroenteritis-like stomach flu rather than the respiratory type flu we have come to expect. My stoma surgery probably compounded this but anyway she sent me these huge red capsules rather than Paxlovid in hope it would cause less issues for my gut. The drug was called Molnupiravir. I took 4 capsules and saw them all again at some stage during the rest of the day and night. I was scared to take more in case they blocked my stoma and was too sick to risk. I carried on testing positive for another ten days and then very slow recovery - bloodwork taken at Rheumy clinic 3 weeks after day 1 Covid showed CRP 120, high platelets etc although just felt tired and dizzy by this time and testing negative. Now more or less back to where I started post surgery and pre-Covid. I start Rituximab on Wednesday in hope that I’ll get more from this than mycophenolate alone, which I had a month off due to surgery and then Covid - so flared for ages right up until last week when started to feel human again.

I guess my point is that, although Paxlovid has a bad reputation for gut side effects, so does this latest variant of Covid - so it might have been a combination of both for you perhaps?

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to OldTed60

I think that's possibly right. Where I am now is that I feel mildly nauseous (can't look at some food) but at least I'm eating, whereas with the tabs I couldn't keep anything down. But I certainly wouldn't want to put anyone off taking them.

Weird they didn't give you an infusion rather than tablets. But glad to hear you've recovered.

My partner isn't careful either. I got it from him and my daughter who went maskless into a children's hospital (madness!).

OldTed60 profile image
OldTed60 in reply to Treetop33

Mildly nauseous is my normal with scleroderma gut so not wanting or being able to manage solid food is nothing new for me. But having no energy and the sinus face pain and horrible altered taste and dry cough alongside diarrhoea and vomiting, were hellish. I’d all but quit masking and shielding but now thinking, with autumn and winter coming and Rituximab starting I’d better get back on track. I spend a day every month (4 days this month) in hospital getting infusions so can’t avoid hospital or spend the day masked but I wouldn’t go in if I had an infection and not be allowed Rituximab so another reason to be more vigilant. It’s not just Covid, it’s flu, colds, winter vomiting bugs etc so I’m trying to get my husband and visiting family and friends to start thinking about it all much harder again x

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to OldTed60

Couldn't agree more. I started masking again after catching Covid in November last year. It was a more systemic, respiratory version. Never again. This one is more gastrointestinal and yeah, what's with that sinus stuff?

KnitSewPurl profile image

I was tested positive over the Christmas period.last year with continuous coughing and frothy sputum that was changing to green rapidly. Phoned GP asked to go to A&e to get anti viral drug from them . But he at the same time prescribed me antibiotics for 2 weeks for my lungs as I hv Sle and Bronchiatistis. Got to A&,E both hubby and I as we were both tested positive for COVID were both masked up were asked to sit with those sitting at the waiting room some coughing their guts ups. You could say majority of them were not wearing masks. Waited for over 2 hours to be seen . Got bloods and X rays then when the nurse checked my chest the biggest joke was she was listening through 4 layers of clothing 🤦. Did not even ask me to lift my clothes. I even suggested that I will take some layers off and she said oh no no need I can hear though all 4 layers what rubbish!! Stethoscope you need direct contact with the body/skin. Of course she said there is nothing to here when there is 4 layers 😂. I got home and started taking the antibiotics found that my coughing started to improve by day 5. But it has left a mark on my Left lung now as I keep getting chesty and breathing issue now. Far more than I have ever before . When I was inspected by ambulance during an emergency called out on one session when I had a bad breathing session I was unable to breathe. They checked my lungs and found that I had crackles in my left lungs. Saw GP later also heard a slight crackles again in my left lungs . My Bronchiatistis is in my right upper lobe.

So am now on inhalers when needed. Usually at night is the worst.

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to KnitSewPurl

That sounds awful. I honestly try and avoid hospitals - people there are so weird sometimes about illness and coughing, I guess because they have to risk their lives and have somehow internalised it. Sorry to hear you are on inhalers. I got diagnosed with asthma after my second bout of Covid and have to take inhaler steroids now x

KnitSewPurl profile image
KnitSewPurl in reply to Treetop33

Yes that is what I am on now

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