Well I survived! I had sedation and it didn't hurt at all. I agree the worst part was the prep - both the drinking of the foul tasting stuff and the effect it has - Blimey!!!!! Had to wait at bit longer in recovery as I was still unsteady ( I have inner ear dysfunction anyway) and felt travel sick on way home. Had some weird dreams which I think was the fentanyl I had as well as Midazolam.
Any way to cut a long story short - the out come was diverticular disease ( not diverticulitis - they are different). The management seems to be dietary. Well I can't get anymore fibre into my diet ( I am a vegetarian who eats loads of fruit veg nuts and pulses) so I think making sure I get enough liquid down in a day is the thing to do, I am not always good at that.
A big thank you to all who replied to my original post, it was so helpful. I do love this forum. My very best wishes to everyone.