I was wondering if anyone can offer any advice or support.
For years now Iv been having body pains being exhausted to the point I would fall asleep sat up. Not being able to do normal day to day things some days. .
I got diagnosed with vit d deficiency I’m on tablets everyday for this for the pain a being exhausted it helped the being exhausted a falling asleep all the time but the pain never stopped.
Earlier this year in April I thought I was just having one of them my moments when I feel super unwell for no reason Iv had it for years so just got on with it as I do.
but I ended up in hospital for 5 days with rasied inflammatory markers, high temperature an hofffic kidney pain.
they treated me for a kidney infection
But I didn’t have a kidney infection the drs openly told me this they had no clue what was wrong with me.
Since then I have been getting the buttery rash, swollen arms feet. The worst headaches and neck pain. Wrist an hand pain. Some days hands feel they don’t work correctly.
My drs think it’s lupus I have so many of the symptoms but my ana test was negative. My kidney function test was satisfactory. . so the rheumatologist wanted me to have x rays for my wrist pain. Awaity results.
This week Iv started to feel very unwell again kidney pain! , straight to drs blood an Lucolights in urine. Short strong course of antibiotics. If no better in a week to go back,
I’m so scared to end up back in hospital that unwell again.
Just wondering if anyone else has had a negative result but all the symptoms ?
Thank you for reading 🥰