Hi Everyone,
In 2014 after the birth of my son and 9 months of complaining to my doctor, I was finally diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. This was treated to bring my levels back to “normal”, but I never felt like I recovered. Over the course of the last 8 years I have complained and complained about general feeling of being poorly, exhausted, having a recurring nasty rash etc etc.
Since February 2021 I have been suffering with chronic pain in my breast bone. I had bloods which came black clear, and chest X-ray which also came back clear. Then my doctor ordered three further tests two of which were fine, but the DS-DNA test came back positive.
The doctor said it’s an indication of lupus and has referred me to a Rheumatologist. My concern / question here is with my symptoms (chest pain / stiffness in ankles, both of which are worse in the morning / skin rash / reflux/ mouth ulcers and extreme exhaustion) and this positive blood result, am I likely to be further fobbed off, or does this blood result coupled with my symptoms give enough to finally make the diagnosis of lupus? Can you have this positive result and be told you don’t have lupus? I just don’t think that I can stand the thought of leaving that clinic without answers and try to continue to find the strength to fight….