I just wondered if there’s anyone else going through this at the moment?
I’ve never had this before and imagine being immunosuppressed due to lupus is a factor as my husband and 88 year old mother who has been staying here have not caught it.
I have had this for over a month and am still waking up with the choking, stridor and inability to breathe- sometimes for several minutes at a time. Also can happen at any time during the day. This is the most scary thing I have ever experienced. Eating can set it off and I daren’t go out or drive because episodes can occur with no warning so my life is on hold.
I had a chest infection on top which antibiotics have helped- now finished. I’m using steam inhalations and a room humidifier but have been told not to use cough syrups. There does not appear to be anything medics can do to help.
I’ll attach a video I found which is exactly what I experience to illustrate the issue.
I’m just looking for any support/suggestions…