Hi all,
I’ve been on hcq for the last four years while rheumatology try to figure out whether or not what I have is lupus or APS ( it runs in the family and I meet a lot of minor but not enough major criterion). On Monday, over the phone (alas in Wales face to face appointments are a thing of the past), my rheumy stopped my hydroxychloroquine because my symptoms for the last two years have been stable and my antibodies were low on my last blood test…which was done two and a half years ago. I’m told that the fact my symptoms are unchanged recently means this is not autoimmune, despite the fact that pre hcq they used to be worse. (Honestly their logic was lost on me at this point.).
Anyway, five days after stopping taking hcq and (surprise surprise) my symptoms are back with a vengeance, the worst they have been for three years at least. I plan on getting right back on the phone to rheumatology (alas they only accept voicemail). In the meantime I’d be curious to know if anyone else has had a big flare up right after coming off hydroxychloroquine and if so, any tips on how to communicate this to the doctor without sounding loony?
Unfortunately I’ve got a lot of experience of doctors dismissing my symptoms as being in my mind, and it worries me that this will happen again. I’ve been accused of lying and had my symptoms dismissed as mental trauma (I haven’t got any) before now by other doctors which has left me with little confidence in doctors listening to anything I say.
Sorry, long winded!