Hi All
Sorry for the recent silence. I had my appointment at the centre of excellence rheumatology department and I thought it would be helpful to outline how I found it. The short version is that at the centre of excellence I got the same standard of treatment I'd been having in the two countries I lived in before I returned home to the UK so I'm massively relieved and extremely grateful I managed to escape my local rheumatology department. The long story is below.
I knew the care in my local hospital was not good because I'd been under the care of other rheumatologists in two different countries before I returned home two years ago. If I hadn't had this experience abroad I probably wouldn't have been able to compare and contrast and I wouldn't have realised what basic good care for lupus and sjogren's looks like. I tried to raise the discrepancies in treatment directly with my local rheumy last year (pre-covid), to ask why certain tests weren't being performed in the hope of getting things back on track. He pulled a nurse into the consultation room saying he felt he needed a witness and then duly diagnosed me with developing fibromyalgia - the catch all death knell for decent treatment as it enables rheumys to say they have no idea, limit treatment and follow up appointments and shift people to neurologists. In fact, after diagnosing me with developing fibro he told me my appointments would be with a nurse and then he'd look at whether they need to keep seeing me. After covid he told me all appointments would be via video.
The looking at scaling back my care was the final straw for me - I didn't have any symptoms of fibro - I just needed basic lupus and sjogren's care. So thanks to advice from the wonderful people on this forum, I kicked up a fuss with my GP and I managed to get transferred to a centre of excellence. I had my first appointment just over a few weeks ago and I thought I'd outline what the differences are.
Before the Appointment
Centre of Excellence: A nurse weighed me, took my blood pressure and asked me to go pee in a cup and deposit it in a room so it can be tested.
Local Rheumy: Nothing for two years. I never had my blood pressure taken and I only had my urine tested once when a blood test showed my kidney function may be impaired.
During the Appointment
Centre of Excellence: I was listened to with respect, asked about the medications I was taking (hydroxychloroquine). Every concern I raised about symptoms and the dosage of the meds I take was addressed in turn and I was physically examined - the rheumy touched my body, checking my joints for movement and checking my lymph nodes for any swelling. The rheumy also checked my scalp. The rheumy also asked what treatments I was using for dryness. She asked about my eyes, my mouth and even my vagina. She also suggested things that could help that I hadn't been doing and warned me about oral care and asked how often I was seeing my dentist.
Local Rheumy: I was dismissed. Told there was nothing that could be done. He told me if I felt my eyes were blurry I should go to the optician and that it's up to me if I want to reduce the dosage of my medication as there's no way of knowing. Said I could "give it a try" and told me to reduce the dose by half so take one pill instead of two. He didn't change that on the prescription and when I started to get worsening symptoms he didn't suggest going back up. No physical examination of me was done in the whole time I was under his care, which is two years.
After the Appointment
Centre of Excellence: I was sent to get a wide range of blood tests (8 vials of blood needed). I was sent for a chest x-ray. I was referred to an ophthalmologist because I have been taking hydroxychloroquine for over 5 years. I was booked in for a follow up appointment in 6 months' time and on a day when a dermatologist attends the clinic so they can check the lesions on my back. I was told I should continue to ask my GP to refer me to a cardiologist once a year to check on my bradycardia. My dosing of hydroxychloroquine was altered so it was in line with my weight. I was given an online chart which also functions as an app on my phone and all my test results were sent to me over the following week via the online chart which meant I could see them and monitor my own progress. The online chart also lets me email the rheumatology team with either urgent or non urgent questions and provides a phone number for the front desk so if I ever end up in trouble (eg fall ill) I can get in touch and get advice quickly. I haven't needed to contact them but it's nice to know I can if I need to.
Local Rheumy: I had minimal blood tests every other appointment - two vials - and was told to visit an optician. Follow up appointments were not scheduled and I would wait to have a random letter arrive by post or text. Often the letters arrived at the last minute, so a week or sometimes days before the actual appointment, so I couldn't prepare for them easily and would have to take time off work last minute. I was denied access to my blood results - I literally had to threaten to go to PALS just to have them sent to me through the post on paper and I had to have this argument every time with each blood test. If I ever emailed the rheumatology department I was ignored or, on one occasion, after three emails asking for guidance about covid, I got a non-committal response from a nurse four weeks later. No referrals whatsoever for my skin, hair loss, costochondritis, heart and eyesight.
What has been the impact of the difference in my treatment?
For the last two years I have felt out of control, scared and I've been getting increasingly sick - joint pain, hair loss, lesions, costochondritis - literally my back is scarred permanently and far worse than it needed to be. I also developed anxiety and was prescribed medication for it. I knew I was being cared for by someone who did not care. I also felt frightened as he was in a position of power and by calling in the nurse he made it very clear that if I were to advocate for my own care I risked being painted as a crazy or aggressive person. The only reason I felt able to risk it was because my GP has known me since I was 12 years old so she knows I'm not unreasonable and I feel would have defended me.
The difference in how I feel today, two weeks after my appointment with the centre of excellence, is huge.
First, the upping of my dose to match my weight (the centre of excellence rheumy literally calculated it in front of me) means my hair has started to fall out less and the lesions on my back are almost all gone. The itching has lessened, I haven't had an episode of costochondritis in the last two weeks and my joint pain has all but disappeared. I also have more energy - I'm not trying to stay awake anymore. Turns out that initially I was taking too much hydroxychloroquine for my body weight, but the local rheumy failed to calculate the appropriate dose and just casually told me to reduce to half, which resulted in me taking too little. I now take the exact right dose for my weight and I'm feeling so so so much better for it.
Second, the fact the centre of excellence rheumy took the time to explain why certain symptoms are unlikely to be linked to my lupus means I no longer worry about them. The symptoms that could be linked to my lupus are now all being checked out through various tests and they're being monitored.
I feel safe and happy and able to go about my day. The dark cloud and crippling anxiety that has been hanging over me and making me live in fear for the last two years has gone.
Also, knowing I have a follow up in 6 months and having the exact date means I know when I will next speak to my rheumy and doesn't leave me in limbo.
Why did I decide to post this?
The reason I decided to post this is because this week, the local rheumatology department sent me a letter about a video appointment they had scheduled in 5 days time with the local rheumy (clearly they hadn't been informed that I'd moved).
With this letter was also a thin slip of paper which had been inserted in the envelope. On the slip of paper it said that although the letter was for a video appointment, my local rheumy, Mr X, had decided he wouldn't be doing video appointments with his patients but would be doing phone calls instead, so I should stand by for a phone call.
I called up immediately to say I won't be coming back because I'd moved to a centre of excellence and I cancelled the appointment. But, seriously? How is it acceptable to do a phone call for a lupus and sjogren's patient with no bloods or anything?
I'm so upset about it because although I've escaped this nightmare other people may well be thinking this is normal or acceptable treatment. It is not. There are clear clinical guidelines for how sjogrens and lupus patients should be cared for and this is not it. I know it's a small thing compared to what could have gone wrong but my back is permanently disfigured because the local rheumy couldn't be bothered to work out the right dose of my meds for my weight. I have felt miserable, anxious and terrified because I knew I was getting poor treatment for the last two years and felt powerless in dealing with it and with each day I was getting sicker. Fighting for basic care is not something any of us should have to do, particularly when we are already dealing with so much. I'm convinced moving to the centre for excellence has likely saved me from faster disease progression and possibly even saved my life in the long term.
While I'm delighted I'm in a better place than I was, I'm acutely aware that others might still be stuck where I was and I wanted you to know you do not need to put up with it. Seek help if your rheumy is not caring for you. Don't be afraid. You deserve at the very least to have the basics done and I'm appalled that my local rheumatology department continues not to do that.