Hi everyone,
I have posted on here multiple times so I will keep this short. Since 2020, I have now had 4 positive ANA test results, all homogenous. They were 1:640, 1:1280, greater than 1:1280, and 1:640. I have been on Naltrexone now for over a year I believe. Symptoms have a habit of coming and going, being mild at times, more severe at others. Flare-ups can last anywhere from hours to weeks. Triggers include certain food, weather changes, stress, menstrual cycle, over exertion, being too sedentary, so on and so forth. It is not always predictable what will cause symptoms. Outside of a positive ANA and a one time barely positive antibody for Sjogren's, blood tests show no more positive results. I understand that whatever autoimmune disease I am dealing with may very likely still be in developing stages. I have had issues for 10 years now, which have slowly changed and developed into my current symptoms. My question is this: With so many positive ANA tests, is it most likely I am dealing with an autoimmune disease? Any chance the results are false positive or whatever I am dealing with isn't autoimmune? I don't know if that's a crazy question or not. Thanks!