Pfizer Booster: Hi everyone. How are you all... - LUPUS UK


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Pfizer Booster

Froggie70 profile image
40 Replies

Hi everyone. How are you all?

Finally got an appointment in for my booster and flu jags (not the third dose but tbh I’m just glad I’ve got any appointment at all). I know there have been a good few posts here about the different vaccines but I wasn’t sure about the Pfizer and wanted to see how everyone else has been. I’m not allergic as such but am very sensitive to any new meds (always have to start on the lowest dose when I start anything new as I always have some sort of reaction). Can’t take quite a few medicines and a couple of months ago I had a bad reaction to the adrenaline in dental anaesthetic which I’ve never had before. Had the Astra Zeneca as my first two jabs, very poorly after first dose, no reaction after second so I’m feeling a bit nervous at the thought of the Pfizer as it’s says not to have if you have allergies and then getting the flu jag at the same time on top of it.

Phoned covid vaccination line and they said probably better to stick with AZ but would need to get a letter from consultant so phoned Rheumatology line to be told it’s nothing to do with them what vaccine I get. Just wondered how you guys had been getting on. Also really big week at work next week so can’t afford to be off ill.

Hope you don’t mind me asking but I’d be really interested in your experiences. Many thanks. XX

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Froggie70 profile image
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40 Replies
PMRpro profile image

Not lupus of course - but I had a flare after the second Moderna jag - and not a sausage after my third jag with the Pfizer one. Just a slightly sore arm where the needle went in - didn't even know she'd done it at the time though!

The recommendations are definitely for an mRNA jab if you started with AZ - and I think the allergies advice has changed from originally.

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply toPMRpro

Thank you, really appreciate your reply. I think I’m just getting myself in a knot after feeling so bad after first AZ jag and then getting rushed to hospital with the dental anaesthetic. 🤗🤗

PMRpro profile image
PMRpro in reply toFroggie70

I'm sure I would feel much the same after what you have been through. There are no guarantees - other than if you get Covid, that is likely to be REALLY bad news.Hugs

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply toPMRpro

You’re so right. I need to get my big girl pants on. Thanks again. 🤗🤗

suzannah16 profile image

I had AZ for the 1st two and pfizer for the booster. I made sure I had 10 days between the flu and pfizer jab as I didn't want any confusion over which one was giving me side effects. As it turned out the flu jab was the more painful of the two and that wasn't as bad as it usually is.

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply tosuzannah16

Thanks suzannah16, suspect I’ll not get the chance to defer one of them (I’m in Scotland so no walk in clinics) so will just need to see what they say when I go in. Glad to hear you were ok.🤗🤗

suzannah16 profile image
suzannah16 in reply toFroggie70

I'm in Scotland and my area has walk in clinics. I changed my covid jab online as it was too close to my flu jab. there was a letter sent to me with my covid jab with the web address for changing appointments.

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply tosuzannah16

Hi. That’s so interesting as my letter doesn’t have a web address. Thanks so much for this info. I’ll say to them when I go in and see what their advice is. Take care. X

suzannah16 profile image
suzannah16 in reply toFroggie70

Froggie I have the address here for changing your appointment.

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply tosuzannah16

That brilliant thanks so much suzannah. X

A-r-c-h-I-e profile image
A-r-c-h-I-e in reply tosuzannah16

Arrange your flu jab privately it is not expensive. I had mine 4weeks after covid 3rd jab will get booster in 6 months. Hope this info help

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply toA-r-c-h-I-e

Hi there. Thanks for replying. I’ll see what they say at the vaccination centre, I may have to do as you’ve suggested. Take care. X

GloomyEeyore profile image
GloomyEeyore in reply toFroggie70

I live in Scotland too and arranged to have my flu vaccine at my GP surgery. Maybe you could do that too? Not due my booster until January. No 3rd dose as I’m not on immunosuppressants. Did get a letter for my flu vaccine which I’ve had. Tried to cancel the appointment but they won’t do it. They said they have but the appointment is still showing on my online appointments page. Will have to try again as I don’t want classed as. ‘No Show.’ Xx

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply toGloomyEeyore

Hi there. When I’d gone past the six months since my last jab I contacted my GP surgery and they said it was nothing to do with them. Just shows how different things are across the country. Take care. X

GloomyEeyore profile image
GloomyEeyore in reply toFroggie70

My GP surgery isn’t doing Covid vaccines but they are doing flu ones. Xx

Jolevans profile image

Hi, I usually react to most medication and like you I react to the anesthetic at the dentist. My first 2 Covid vaccines were AZ and to my surprise I didn’t react just was tired for a while. But I’ve just had my 3rd vaccine and it was Pfizer. I did react went lightheaded and my hands and feet were tingling. I was monitored for a while as my heart was racing but it all settled down and just felt weird and very tired for a couple of days.

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply toJolevans

Hi there. Sorry to hear that you had a bit of reaction but glad it’s settled down and hope you’re feeling better. It’s rubbish when we react to most new things, I don’t know about you but I always think it’s like playing Russian roulette every time I get a new medication. Take care of yourself. X

Hamptons profile image

I reacted to both AZ, nothing at all with Pfizer, not even a sore arm.

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply toHamptons

Hi Hamptons. Thanks for replying. That’s reassuring that you had no reaction, fingers crossed for the same. X

HazelW profile image

Hi. I was unable to have Pfizer for my first 2 jabs as , like you, I had had allergic reactions to anaesthetic in the past, so had the AZ for both . However, I've had Pfizer for my booster with no ill effects other than a sore arm.The medical staff pointed out that at the outset nobody really knew what effect the new vaccine was going to have, but they assured me that there is nothing in the vaccine that would be in anaesthetic, therefore very unlikely that it would be a problem.

Good luck !

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply toHazelW

Hi Hazel. Thanks so much for replying and for your reassurance. I’ll be honest I think I’ve got a fixation now that I’m always going to have a problem with anything new so I need to get this out my head and get in with it. Thanks again, appreciate your help. Take care. X

HazelW profile image
HazelW in reply toFroggie70

That is totally understandable ! Fortunately I am very strong wiiled ( some would say pigheaded 😄) and can usually talk myself out of any fear or anxiety , but it was good to get the reassurance from medically trained people. This Covid business is new to all of us, there's bound to be fear attached. Be strong - you can handle this !

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply toHazelW


Cornflowers profile image

Hi, I had AZ for my first two jabs and Pfizer for my booster. Felt a bit achey after the booster but nothing serious. Hope all goes well.

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply toCornflowers

Thanks Cornflowers appreciate you replying and reassuring you were ok. Take care. X

Paprika60 profile image

There was a post from Dogportraitartist in yesterday's forum discussion. She had bad reactions. Please search and read. You will find it informative. I too react very badly to dental anaesthetics, sometimes even to new vitamin supplements. I haven't had flu jabs in many years. If you have an important week ahead, I would suggest rescheduling as there is no way you can tell if you would or not react badly. Best wishes!

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply toPaprika60

Hi there thanks for the point to this post. This really scares me as I had a bad reaction to first AZ then 5 months later had to be rushed to A&E with the reaction to the dental anaesthetic and I’ve been in a permanent flare for most of this year as my MTX doesn’t seem to be working and it’s only cocodamol that helps me function, I’m getting more run down each time. The thought of going through something else is just making me so anxious. Work project launches this week and I’ve put so much work into it I can’t miss the launch but equally so conscious that health comes first and I’m so fed up hiding away as I’m still shielding. Aaarrrrgggghhhh why can’t they just give us the AZ if we know we’re ok with it, I sometimes feel like everything is made as difficult as it could be on purpose. So much for no stress. Thanks again and sorry for the rant. Appreciate your help🤗🤗.

Paprika60 profile image

I completely understand your need to go Aaarrggghh! 😂 I often feel that way as many on this forum will agree. This sort of rolling out is for the mass population and we don't belong to that generally healthy group. Our doctors really have to cater to each individual's need and condition. Some of us are lucky with doctors and some not so. I have two different doctors now, one for vasculitis and one for lupus. And it is the second one who agreed that I shouldn't go for the third. So I am hugely relieved. As the society has to continue, it is up to each of us to take caution. So despite the frustration of shielding and the sacrifices (no restaurants, no new Bond film!), we have to swallow the bitter pills to continue so that we can enjoy different layers of life. Since your project launch is so important for you, you should postpone at least for a bit. You can always get the third one at a later date. Good luck!😊😊

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply toPaprika60

Thanks Paprika, this site and the lovely people on it (that’s you🤗) make all the difference. I’m going to take your advice and take some control and stop stressing. Thanks again and take care. X

Furryfriend profile image

Hi Froggie70 , l have Lupus SLE, for which I take Hydroxychlorqine and Methotrexate, and am allergic to Penicillin , I am also allergic to something in Thai food . I was very lightheaded for a few days after first jab of AstraZeneca and was quite poorly for nearly 2 weeks after 2nd jab . Last week I had a 3rd Primary jab of Pfizer ( not a booster , as I am immunesuppressed ) . Other than a very sore arm for 3 days I had no other noticable effects at all . I hope this helps .

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply toFurryfriend

Hi Furryfriend, thanks so much for replying 🤗. This does help, thank you. I’m sorry to hear you were poorly with the AZ but reassuring to hear no ill effects other than a sore arm with Pfizer. Thanks again and take care. X

Jaxqueline profile image

I had Astra first two and had Pfizer as my booster, no reactions. And very glad I had the booster as I am currently testing positive and the symptoms have been mild.

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply toJaxqueline

Hi there, thanks so much for replying. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve tested positive, take care and get well soon. X

ski4ever54 profile image

I had first two Astrazenica jabs and felt bad after each. Had Pfizer as booster and only effect was sore arm. Would not recommend having flu jab at same time though as in some other countries it is recommended to have 28 days between.

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply toski4ever54

Hi there thanks for replying. I’ve usually had my flu jab by the beginning of October so it’s late already so not keen to have to wait another month for it but appreciate you highlighting this. I’ll be honest it’s getting to the point where you wouldn’t know what to do for the best. As Paprika60 said earlier, the planning of the rollout has been for the general masses and not taken anything else into consideration. I suppose I will need to see what they say when I’m there. Take care and thanks again. X

lupie-Cathy profile image

My husband just got his booster and had the Moderna vaccine I thought in Scotland we were supposed to be getting the Pfizer as a booster I’m worried now as I think the Pfizer is better than Moderna I’m due my flu and booster next week! Seems to be a complete lottery so don’t know which I’ll get now! So you may not get the Pfizer either Froggie70 ! I think the Moderna is more like the AZ so that would be less likely to give you a reaction ? Just discuss it with them when you go. All the best which ever one you get x

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply tolupie-Cathy

Hi Cathy you are so right it is a lottery. Thanks for replying, can’t believe the knot I’m getting myself into over this. Was less worried when I had my knee replacement🤔. Thanks again and hope you get on ok too. X

lupie-Cathy profile image

Know the knots problem lol! try not to over think it just wait and see what they say. You’d have thought your Rheumatologist would have been more helpful over your worry’s good luck xx

lupie-Cathy profile image

Just to add had my booster on Friday got the Moderna. Arm a little sore and feeling a bit fluey from the flu vaccine ( had one in one arm and one in the other) but otherwise all ok except my skin has started flaring again today

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply tolupie-Cathy

Hi there sorry only just replying to your previous post, busy week at work. I’m so glad to hear you got your booster with everything that’s going on. Well I got a third dose on Monday (didn’t even have to argue over it as nurse knew all about methotrexate and third dose) couldn’t make this next bit up though, got a text on Friday to say I was due a booster. Did someone say left hand, right hand? Sorry to hear your skin has started to flare, hope it settles down soon. I felt fluey too but only lasted a day or so. Having a flare before jag so joints are sore regardless. Only thing is since yesterday I have a red mark on my arm at my old smallpox vaccination site, looks almost like I’ve bumped my arm, red but not a rash. Will just keep an eye on it. Thanks again and take care of yourself. XX

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