Hello, I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced blood shot eyes after having the Astra Zeneca vaccination? It has happened to me twice, after the first shot in April both of my eyes were badly bloodshot and sore for about 2 weeks. I had my second shot yesterday and woke up this morning with one very red eye (photo attached to this post). I generally feel well and I don't usually get blood shot eyes. I am 38 years old and have had SLE and Raynauds since 2005. Is there anyone else who has experienced this? Thank you.
SLE - Astra Zeneca - Blood shot eyes: Hello, I'm... - LUPUS UK
SLE - Astra Zeneca - Blood shot eyes

That looks to be a subconjuctival haemorrhage which are common .I'm prone to them I've had 3 in 4 weeks.they are generally no cause for concern and will go away on it's own they can be connected to chronic dry eyes in those of us with AI illness
Hello Spanielmadlady , thank you for sharing that with me. I do suffer from chronic dry eyes due to taking Hydroxychloroquine. My Ophthalmologist advised me to use eye drops which I've been doing for 3 years. I've never seen my eye this red before but glad to know it is nothing to worry about. Thanks again and best wishes.
Have you been diagnosed with sjorgens? I have sjorgens and often lupies have secondary sjorgens. You can get hyloforte eye drops from your gp .any eye drops should be preservative free.gel eye masks also help. X
Hello, to everyone, l have had it once,. It occurred in the same time with a flare up of ulcerative colitis. I was diagnosed also with UCTD in 2012,and dr. ophthalmologist said it might be related to ulcerative colitis.
Do you have antiphospholipid syndrome ? - sticky blood.
Hi Freckle1000 , not that I'm aware of. However, both my mum and older sister have diagnosed DVT over the past couple of years. I've been advised by my GP to go to A&E as my eye issue seems to be linked to when I've had the Covid vaccinations and on both occasions this has happened to me. Other than that I've never had this issue with my eyes. I'll update my post once I've been checked out x
I get these from time to time, and I was also wondering about antiphospholipid syndrome ( APS.) I have both APS and Sjögren’s.
Thinking of you! X
Yes but nothing a big as that, however it faded in a few days. 😉