I’ve been recently diagnosed with lupus. I’ve been reading a lot about how our diet can impact our health and the amount of inflammation in the body. Does any one know of any functional medicine practitioners who have experience with lupus patients?
Functional medicine approach for lupus: I’ve been... - LUPUS UK
Functional medicine approach for lupus

Hello Salaam123
It's worth pointing out to everyone (I appreciate you know this already!) that there is a difference between a doctor (usually a neurologist) who will give a diagnosis of a "Functional Neurological Disorder" to account for some symptom or other associated with a systemic auto-immune condition like lupus, and people who advertise themselves as "Functional Medicine Practitioners".
Functional Medicine is a diet based treatment regime - often linked with approaches like the "Paleo Diet" etc which are rather restrictive - and promoted mainly by private practitioners who describe themselves as "nutritionists" of one sort or another (and who often also sell the special dietary supplements that are apparently also required!)
In the 5 years time I've been a member here, there seem to have been very few posts from people who have used "functional medicine" with success.
I guess that tells its own story. There are so many of us here, and so many of us desperate for improvement (including me!) that if functional medicine was producing good, consistent results, we'd all be doing it.
My thinking is that there seems to be good evidence that gut flora can have a big impact on health, and on immune function in particular. But unfortunately, no-one has yet figured out a reliable way of tweaking it to substantially improve our condition. I'd love to hear otherwise!
This is not to deter you from giving it a try. Just to beware sinking lots of your cash into following a heavily promoted but poorly evidenced treatment.
Exactly! However unfortunate it is!Well written. 😀
Yes I have also read about the link between gut health and immune function and chronic diseases. I have been watching YouTube videos by Dr Hyman and they’ve been informative. But the problem is as you mentioned there are a lot of people out there and one has to be careful especially as there is a lot of money involved. I’m hesitant about that so I’m just researching for now. Thanks for your reply.
Go for it kid your body is a cell and you need to feed it well. It's doing wonders for me so if your only putting good food in its got to doing some good. The guy I'm speaking with has completely opened my mind and it makes you think about everything not just supplements but fresh healthy food water etc read the book I mentioned earlier xx
I'm currently speaking with Pete at functional-medicine.associa... fantastic and have definitely noticed the difference
Hello Zeberdee1,
Could you share more? eg what's your diagnosis? What changes have you made and for how long? What differences have you noticed? etc. That would be really interesting. Thanks x
Hi lovely, started feeling ill just before Christmas joint pains all over to the point I had get down the stairs on my bum plus trying to looking after a 2 year old hideous as you can imagine. Various blood tests came back possible lupus/sjogren's plus kidney gpr 53 so not great function. Spoke to Pete put me on a rainbow diet smoothies, Eskimo fish oil, curcumin tablets and had a slava test done which brought back alsorts. They say its all gut related. Good book to read wahls protocol. After a month in felt more energy less pain started to feel normal but you have to stick to it and still pace yourself as I've found out this week after a 2 day wedding bash 😩 back on the smoothies and feel good. Any questions give me a shout xx
Two years ago, after having two strokes following a very long remission in my lupus, I saw a DO, similar to a functional doctor. Under her advice I changed four things. I increased my dietary fiber to about 40 grams per day, started exercising at least thirty minutes per day, improved my sleep hygiene to insure I always get 8 hours and I started therapy to treat my severe anxiety. Since making these changes not only is my mental and physical health much better but my antibodies are now all negative. Correlation likely but still my life is so much better by just making these four easy changes. Good luck.
I had a session with Louise Blanchfield recently (online as she’s in Scotland) and following her plan has helped me! Feeling a change in 3/4 weeks. Inflammation has plummeted in my bloods, and aches and pains have gone. After more research I have now taken an appointment with the Blum Centre for Health in NYC who seem to have even more experience, especially with arthritis pain even when it’s a symptom of any other autoimmune
I looked into this some years ago and was also on Paleo diet and some other diets. I also read Blum book and contacted them but didn't find much help there. You have to be willing to spend loads of money first and see what happens. I think it is a bit of hit and miss. If you find a really good person, it could work well. I am based in London and everything costs more. The consultation fees are in hundreds easily and then all the supplements you have to buy comes to another hundreds as quite many are all from US (often the naturopaths get a cut from your purchase from these companies). In the end I found the limiting of diet didn't help me. With daily exercise, good mental attitude and moderate eating of all various food (especially Mediterranean diet) along with fermented food would be a good start. I am in a way still looking and willing to try new things but I am far more careful now. I think naturopath world is a bit like tarot card world. We are all so desperate to get better and they know it. But every once in a while, one does find a genuinely good person. Good luck.
I was recommended David Melrose at the Aston Clinic London Ltd. He is a registered Medicinal Herbalist and Osteopath. He has helped improve my quality of life no end over the past 4 years. He can’t cure it but he listens to the whole person - he has mixed up a concoction that has totally rid me of two horrid symptoms and lowered my pain where I seldom take painkillers. Think Turmeric plus a few other natural ingredients. He does not charge anywhere near hundreds. Osteopathy has helped with my mobility and I am closing on 75. I was sent to him by a young nurse as she had Lupus!
Hi Cas, thank you very much for this information. In what way has he helped you with your current condition? Could you kindly give me some specific points, especially herbal mixtures? Many thanks!
Exactly as Bluedragon says - it is specific for you - if you look up the Aston Clinic too you will see. As for helping my condition, I had an itchy scalp, sore bruised eyes, dreadful dry mouth, aching joints, gut problems and a crippling Sjogren’s cough to name but a few. The cough has finally been gone for 6 months, the first thing to go was the gut problem - I could go on and on but you really have to research and see if it’s for you. I am not cured I am able to get about and feel positive. Priceless. Good luck
A herbalist will make a mix up specifically for you. Look on their professional body pages for ones close to you. Association of Master Herbalists, NIMH, CPP. Naturopathic association is the ANP. Or an umbrella association is the GNC.
I been unwell with an infection over the past couple of days so I’ve struggling, hence I just thought I’d do a general reply. I’m very grateful to everyone who replied.I’ve been feeling lost and overwhelmed at times, everyone is here are so kind. Wishing you all good health xx