‘Cutie pic’ on behalf of Misty: Hello again... - LUPUS UK


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‘Cutie pic’ on behalf of Misty

Spotty-ewe profile image
68 Replies

Hello again everybody, you’ll be sick of me but Misty asked me if I wouldn’t mind doing her ‘cutie pic’ post for her while she was recovering from her op which was due tomorrow morning. She’s had all the preparation for it, psyched herself up, had the Covid pre-op test etc etc only to be told last minute that it is cancelled due to staffing problems. 😩 SO disappointing for her when she’s been waiting for this op for soooo long. 😭 Not even an alternative date, so she’s feeling very fragile, in a lot of pain and extremely tired. 🥺 So she asked that I still do the post for her.

I hope you like my choice of cutie pic. As you all know I love sheep, but what’s more appealing about this pic is the total trust and honest love between the wee lass and the woolly lamb. 🥰

Misty told me, and I agree, that half the fun of the cutie posts is the memories and stories that come from all of us. I hope you don’t mind me sharing 2 stories that came to mind thinking of the innocence and trust infants have for nature and animals.

My family emigrated to Australia when I was 4 years old in 1960. We went through the Suez Canal and stopped at Aden where we were allowed ashore for a few hours. I evidently saw a camel and threw my arms around its hind legs. My mother was aghast but the camel didn’t move an inch until she gently but swiftly unhooked my arms and took me away. As soon as I was away from the camel it shuffled a little and then did the longest pee!

The other story my Dad told me about the village where he grew up was about a 3 year old boy who went missing. The whole village searched high and low for him but nobody could find him. Finally as it was getting dark the father of the wee boy noticed the door to the pen and run for his big male pig was slightly open. This pig was known to be aggressive with adults but here was the wee boy curled up with the boar fast asleep. The pig didn’t harm the boy as he didn’t see him as a threat in any way and the boy didn’t know any better than to trust and love the pig.

If anybody has any stories this pic reminds them of please share them to cheer up our Misty while she rests and comes to terms with this major setback for her.

Hoping you feel better soon Misty and that you soon have word of a rescheduled op. 🙏🏻🤗😘💕💐xxx

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Spotty-ewe profile image
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68 Replies
CecilyParsley profile image

Such a beautiful photo you chose well for Misty.My Mam and her friend took me and her adopted daughter on a chapel trip to the zoo. You would never think to look at me now but I was a premature baby at 2 lb 3 ozs. I looked so much younger than I was and according to my Mam I could talk before I could walk and haven’t stopped since. My Mam turned her back to two seconds and the story goes this voice rung out Mammy look at the pussy cat and there was I squeezing through the bars of the leopard enclosure. Lots of screaming around me made me freeze, my poor Mam fainted out cold and a keeper yanked me really hard back through the bars. My God I was shook and screamed at and kissed and cried over and was never allowed to forget it. My Mam said that the keeper said I was very lucky to have not been badly mauled or killed. 😱😼

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toCecilyParsley

Oh wow! What a story Cecily. 👍🏻👍🏻 It just shows that even at that age you were a true animal lover but like all innocent infants had no idea of the danger you were putting yourself into. I wonder if the leopard would have left you alone like the boar in my dad’s story, but I’m so pleased the keeper didn’t wait to find out. I had a friend who was premature like you. She told me her parents kept her snug in a shoe box for the first few weeks of her life. 😂 Love your story thanks Cecily. 🤗😘xx

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply toSpotty-ewe

I have no memory of it but apparently I was a real escape artist. My Mam took me to Cardiff on the train to see Santa Claus. In the big Department store you got in a little pod which had fish all around it and rocked as if you were in a submarine. When you got out there was Santa’s grotto and a whole magic fairground. I was apparently loathe to leave but my Mam needed to shop s and s o we went. I had those mittens on a string. My Mam was paying for a purchase turned round and was holding a set of mittens. Police were called. I was eventually found riding the merry go round in the grotto. Nightmare Child lol xxx

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toCecilyParsley

You were a real adventurer by the sounds of it!😂 Another lovely story Cecily and who can blame a girl for going to have some fun rather than wait for Mam to make her purchases? 😉😆 Thanks for sharing. 🤗xx

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply toSpotty-ewe

Thank you I have no family to remember just memories or what I have been told. They make me smile xxx

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toCecilyParsley

And me too. 👍🏻👍🏻 Thanks Cecily. 😘xx

honeybug profile image

Adorable 🥰!!!!!

Thanks Spotty🤗♥️🥰🙏

Misty so sorry your op was canceled.

I know for sure that this setback was in someway to protect you.

Soooo many staff shortages these days. Plus with the pandemic still active I’m so grateful you’re safe.

I just said a special prayer 🙏 for you sweetie.

Know I hold you dear to my heart you too Spotty and trusting that your surgery will happen when it’s safe for you sweetie.

Much love and hugs.

EJ 🤗♥️🥰🙏🕊🌿🌸🦋🌈☀️

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply tohoneybug

Thank you dear honeybug, for your lovely support and prayers. I agree re safety, would much rather a procedure be cancelled than go ahead and something goes catastrophically wrong.

Keep well and safe yourself as much as you can and I hope for better news next week. Xx💐💕💐💕😍

honeybug profile image
honeybug in reply tomisty14

Thank you sweetie.

Luv ya hun.

EJ ♥️🥰🙏🤗

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply tohoneybug


ExtremeDuvetDaze profile image

Aww what an adorable picture and a lovely gesture Spotty-Ewe for our dear Misty and I’m sending lots more love and hugs to her and praying that appointment comes really soon .... 🙏🤞💖🥰❤️🍀🌞💐🐑 xxxx

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply toExtremeDuvetDaze

Thanks so much Diane for all your support too. I'm thinking of you specially today and hope your appointment is helpful. You badly need a break after all this time. Thankfully telephone appt's are cancelled less often than operations. Keeping 👌🏻for you. 💐💕💐🌺💕👌🏻😍👌🏻💕😍👌🏻🌺💕

ExtremeDuvetDaze profile image
ExtremeDuvetDaze in reply tomisty14

Thanks Helen🙏, I’ll let you know 👍❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕🌸XXXX

KayHimm profile image

Too cute for words. And your stories are priceless.

So upsetting that Misty has to go through this. They better get that operation re-scheduled or I may get a mean animal after them. 😠


misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply toKayHimm

Thank you kay for all your support, really appreciate it. Hope to have better news soon. Xx💐💕💐

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toKayHimm

Thanks Kay. How about a 🐊 or 🐍 to go after them? 😂🤣 I hope you are keeping ok. 🤗😘x

KayHimm profile image
KayHimm in reply toSpotty-ewe

Thanks, Spotty. Doing better. Had a positive ENT appointment. What I feared was going to be Covid related vocal cord issues turned out to be just a bit of swelling in the throat caused by throat reflux. So she just increased my acifex. Breathing better already, though it may be just knowing what it isn’t 😅. Don’t you love appointments like this?

We just started getting our test results immediately- before the doctor even has a chance to call. It is going to be a disaster. I already had one 😫.

🐅 after those guys!


Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toKayHimm

So pleased to hear you are doing better Kay and what a relief it wasn’t Covid related. 👏🏻 🥳 But throat reflux isn’t nice either. I hope the extra acifex helps very soon. Good to hear your breathing has improved already. 👍🏻👍🏻 Yes, 🐅 or 🦬 might be needed after those guys. 😂 😘x

KayHimm profile image
KayHimm in reply toSpotty-ewe

But I have had that for years. She even gave me a choice of upping the meds. At least I know Covid didn’t ruin my vocal chords. I had to say “weeeee” so that she could tell that they were moving. 😅

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toKayHimm

I’m so glad nobody said “weeeee” to the camel! 😂 So what really affected your vocal chords and caused the swelling in your throat remains a mystery? I hope the problem never returns but if so you’ll have to go back. 🤞it was a one-off, and at least it wasn’t Covid related. 👍🏻 😘xx

KayHimm profile image
KayHimm in reply toSpotty-ewe

No, my vocal chords are fine. What was making it feel hard to breath while talking on the phone was the swelling from the acid. Covid affected my airways - that is much better now. But I still had this froggy sound and what doctor called upper airway issue. It is just the throat reflux.

Covid is causing ENT problems and may be responsible for shortness of breath in some people. Mine was all lung.

I knew I didn’t want this thing again and went all over town to get the vaccine! 😅

How are you feeling?


Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toKayHimm

Oh I see. I remember you had Covid last year so I’m sorry to hear although your airways are much better they haven’t returned to normal yet. Is this what they call ‘long Covid’ where symptoms improve but don’t totally disappear for ages? I suffer with reflux too so have to watch what and when I eat but luckily the acid hasn’t caused any issues so far. Have you had both doses of the vaccine yet? I’ve only had 1 dose on 12th February (the Pfizer jab) so hope the 2nd will be soon.🤞I’m not bad thanks Kay. A lot of aches and pains at the mo and feeling quite dizzy, but at last the Lupus fatigue and brain fog that have plagued me for months have begun to lift and I feel more energised than I have for a long time (hope I haven’t spoken too soon!)

You look after yourself Kay. I’ve enjoyed the ‘chat’ and with no vocal chords involved. 😂

That reminds me, I had half my thyroid removed in 1997 and they warned me beforehand that my vocal chords might be damaged during the op and if so I might not be able to speak again. Luckily I was okay but I was surprised hubby hadn’t bribed them to deliberately damage them! 😂🤣 Take care. 😘🤗x

misty14 profile image

Hello dear spotty, you've got the job with 'cutie pics'!. A lovely pic you've chosen which is so heartwarming and inspiring thinking of our 'farmers of the future'.

I do also agree with you about children having a special affinity with animals. Your two stories and cecily' s prove this. What experiences!.

Also thinking of the wonderful work that's achieved with autistic children swimming with dolphins and the difference that can make.

That is exactly what I love with 'cutie pics', the wonderful memories and experiences we all share giving something else to think about.

Thank you so much spotty for being so willing to do this post which you've written so beautifully and for all your support these last weeks. It's keeping my spirits going as well as seeing the lovely replies.

Hopefully I'll be back next week with better news.

I do hope you get good news from the hospital this week. Fingers 👌🏻 crossed for you. Keep me posted.

Keep well and safe dear spotty and take care. Xx💐💕💐💕😍💐💕😍

P.s. Having some of my favourite shortbread is helping hugely too. 😊

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply tomisty14

Shortbread is the BEST!! 😹Aw Misty 🤗 I'm sorry to hear that your ops been cancelled!! I really do hope that they reschedule u soon..it sounds like u desperately need this op on your toe 😠

I'm thinking of u..take care n keep us posted 🌈😽😽xx

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply toKrazykat26

Hello krazykat, thank you for your kind messages and sorry to have taken awhile to respond. Its tough when ive been waiting 14 months for it and am in severe pain but at least its not like a cancer op so im grateful.

I think ive just had the ultimate in telephone call timing!. Im so jumpy for the phone and Ive just answered it to a mobile and the voice at other end said ' urology, just answering your bleep'. Obviously a doctor at our hospital getting his numbers muddled up!. Its something thats never happened before and why today?. You couldnt make these things up could you krazykat?

An extra piece of shortbread needed today me thinks. glad you like it too, its my fav.

I hope your keeping as safe and well as possible. Thanks so much again. Xx🌈🙏🌈🤞❤🤞🌈🙏🌞🌈🤞🙏❤🙏🤞

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply tomisty14

My pleasure Misty. Thank you so much for your kind words and I’m so pleased you like the picture and my stories and Cecily’s which I hope take your mind off your huge disappointment. I hope the pain is subsiding and that you receive some news soon of a new date for your op. 🙏🏻 Take care dear Misty. Love and hugs 💕🤗😘💐xx

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply toSpotty-ewe

Thank you dear spotty, they are certainly taking my mind off whats happened and will help me thru.

Ive just had the ultimate in wrong numbers , something that has never happened before. I answered the phone to a mobile and a voice said' urology, just answering your bleep'.!. Obviously a doctor at the hospital getting his numbers muddled up!. You couldnt make it up really sometimes. I wasnt sure whether to laugh or cry. Talk about timing but maybe its a positive omen?!.

Do hope you have a positive day today and thank you once again for all your support. Xx🐑💕🐑💕🐑💕🐑💕🐑

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply tomisty14

That is unbelievable Misty. What a weird thing to happen. Let’s embrace it as a good omen and that the next call from a hospital WILL be for you and what you want to hear. Keep smiling dear Misty. 💕🙏🏻🐑🐗🐆🤗😘 xx

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply toSpotty-ewe

Life can be so wierd sometimes spotty. My nurse friend has just supplied another reason for added staff abscence at the mo. Shes just had the 2nd vaccine and is suddenly really unwell. We'd talked on sunday about it and she'd said several of her colleagues had been affected similarly. She's a community nurse too. Makes me dread the 2nd jab all the more now and realise staffing is going to be an ongoing issue still.

She did also say that the nhs can't cancel your op more than twice which is helpful to know.

Its good to hear from other people that your not the only one with problems. Im concerned about her now, she' s worked throughout the pandemic.

Hope your day is going well spotty and your pleased at the lovely response to your 'cutie pic'.

Keep safe and thank you again, you keep me smiling a lot. Xx🐑🤞🐑💕🤞🐑💕🤞🌈🙏🤞💕🐑🌈

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply tomisty14

That’s a bit worrying to hear the 2nd jab can cause people to be so unwell. I haven’t had mine yet so don’t look forward to it either but I can understand you dreading it Misty when you had such a bad response to the first one! 😫 I hope your nurse friend recovers quicker than she fears. 🙏🏻 Good to hear NHS can’t cancel more than twice, but who wants to go through that disappointment twice? I’m hoping it is much better luck next time.🤞I have enjoyed the chats on this post thanks Misty, but more importantly I hope you have too because it was for you and intended to cheer you up after your major set back as well as take your mind off your pain. Good to hear you are still smiling Misty. Love and hugs, 💕🤗😘x

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply toSpotty-ewe

Hello dear spotty, thank you for your lovely message and for doing 'cutie pics ' for me. It certainly has kept my spirits going seeing the pic , the messages of support and the wonderful stories by you and others that its prompted. That is what is so lovely about our forum, being so supportive of one another.

Ive just texted my nurse friend and she is still poorly after her 2nd jab. Thats 3 days now but i think shes improving, some symptoms similar to mine. Not surprising there will be ongoing staff problems at hospitals if too many staff go off sick!.

It means spotty her immune system was mounting a good response like mine was so if it happens to you , you can get your treatment dose adjusted to take account of it and help you get better.

Hopefully it wont be needed as ive heard from another friend who had no response to either jabs so you just dont know!. We just have to dive in hoping for the best. 🤞

Hope you hear soon as its not nice thinking about it. Have a lovely weekend dear friend and take care. Xx🌺❤🌺👋🤞🙂

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply tomisty14

It has been a pleasure doing the post for you Misty and I’m so pleased it has kept you going. We’ve now heard we are getting our 2nd vaccine on 21st (next Wednesday) the same day as my first assessment for the private physio I’ve had to go for when NHS physio aren’t working at present but all helping with vaccines. I do hope your nurse friend feels better soon. Hubby had no side effects at all to our 1st jab and I had only a mild reaction - headache, nausea, head cold symptoms etc for a few days so I hope it won’t be worse this time. 🤞 We both had the Pfizer so presume it will be the same again. As you say we have to go ahead and hope for the best. Looking forward to more freedom a couple of weeks afterwards is the carrot we need.🥕😆Hoping you have a lovely weekend too dear Misty and that next week might bring you word of another date for your long-awaited op. 🙏🏻

Keep smiling 💕🙋‍♀️💐🐪🐗🐆🦆🐥🙏🏻🤗😘xx

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply toSpotty-ewe


svfarmer profile image

Your post made me smile spotty you picked a super cute picture on behalf of Misty - sending big hugs to you both 🤗❤️

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply tosvfarmer

Thanks so much SV. 😊 Any plans fo your wedding yet? You must keep us posted because it is lovely to have something exciting to look forward to. Hugs to you Bea and Myra 🤗🤗🤗💕

svfarmer profile image
svfarmer in reply toSpotty-ewe

Ahh thanks Spotty we are going to get married next July in our garden - I’m actually going tomorrow to sort my engagement ring out so will post a pic when I get it - Bea and Mira will be my ring girls 😂❤️

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply tosvfarmer

Haha, I bet Bea and Mira will love that!🥰 And I look forward to seeing your engagement ring. 🤩 Your plans sound lovely SV.👍🏻 And plenty of time to prepare although I bet it will go so quickly. So exciting! 🤗😘x

svfarmer profile image
svfarmer in reply toSpotty-ewe


stiff19 profile image

Lovely pic and stories 👍❤️Spotty .

Misty I’m so terribly sorry you’re in this position, I know how long you’ve waited and what it means to you, and I sincerely hope it will get rearranged.

Our honeybug has a point with safety if staff shortages .I hope the disappointment will be short lived with better news soon 🙏

Hang in there 🤞


Picture from home sorry about the light shining on it 🙈
Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply tostiff19

No apologies needed Stiff, it is a super cute picture. 😍 I hope you have better news soon yourself after your own disappointment. 🙏🏻 Take care lovely Stiff. 🤗😘xx

stiff19 profile image
stiff19 in reply toSpotty-ewe

Ah isn’t it cute 🤣🤣 I see the card in sainsburys and had to get it for making me smile 😃 I love the stories especially the boar 🐗.

I wish I had the photo but as everything is it’s tucked away in the loft of my friends young shire foal, ‘Apple’ I used to adore him and go lay in stable with him and he’d never attempt to get up until I’d moved 😍 maybe the polo treats in my pocket helped 🤷‍♀️🤣🤣

Thankyou 🙏 yes here’s hoping 🤞

Take care too 😘🤗x

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply tostiff19

You were so right to buy it. We need to surround ourselves with things that make us smile. That’s why I keep cards up from 1 event to the next (except Christmas cards) so you’ll find Easter cards on my mantelpiece until hubby’s birthday in May and then his up until my birthday in the summer and so on. It means if cards arrive late it doesn’t matter they’ll still be up for a long time. 😁I love the sotry of you and Apple. I’m sure he loved you and not your polo treats! 🤣 He’d sense your love for him and clearly reciprocated.

Keep us posted how it goes with Neuro. 🤞🙏🏻 🤗😘xx

stiff19 profile image
stiff19 in reply toSpotty-ewe

👍😃 great idea spotty ,👍 my daughter and I just got sent two lovely cards from a friend that I shall be keeping up 👍😍Ah yes Apple was adorable, you’d have loved him 😍

Will do 🙏😘🤗xx

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply tostiff19

I love shires and Apple sounds a very special boy so yes, I’m sure I’d have loved him.🥰 You must post a photo of him when you find your photos. 💕🤗😘xx

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply tostiff19

Oh stiff, thank you for your lovely, kind reply and such a cute pic. Im really sorry to read you've lost your neuro consultant who you've been fighting to see. Its not surprising we can all feel like giving up when we're exhausted, in pain and then the worst happens.

Do make sure stiff that they will be getting a replacement and you will get an appt. A phone call to the secretary could be very helpful. You musnt be forgotten!.

Take care too and i hope to havd better news next week. Xx🐑💕🐑

stiff19 profile image
stiff19 in reply tomisty14

Thankyou misty, we are all in this together ay 🙏I emailed secretary👍

Here’s hoping🤞 You get better news next week, in meantime take it easy and take care 🤗💐x

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply tostiff19

Im keeping fingers tightly crossed 🤞 for you Stiff. Hopefully we'll both have better news next week. Keep safe and hoping. Xx🐑💕🐑🤞💕🤞

stiff19 profile image
stiff19 in reply tomisty14

Thankyou misty 🙏 you too keep strong 💪 I hope you hear soon 🤞🤞🤗xx

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply tostiff19

Many thanks stiff. Xx🙂🤞🙂

GloomyEeyore profile image

What a beautiful photo. Love that the sheep is smiling. Obviously loves the little girl as much as she loves it. Loved the stories too. Amazing how animals seem to sense they are in no danger with children. Just as well your camel had good bladder control though! Don’t have any real stories I can think of. There was, (maybe still is but I haven’t been recently), a man who walks round the city centre with a parrot on his shoulder. Children, and adults!, love seeing him. Then, when I was shopping at Asda on Monday, there was a man with a white Cockatoo on his shoulder doing his shopping! Would say ‘hello’ when you walked past! Better behaved than a lot of the children in the store! Xx

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toGloomyEeyore

Haha, yes I was very lucky the camel had good bladder control. And I love the story of the man with a parrot on his shoulder (wasn’t Long John Silver was it? 🤣) and the man in Asda with a with cockatoo is amazing! Do you think the cockatoo went to choose his own seed in the pet section? Thanks for the fun images your stories have created GE. I hope you see the man with the parrot again soon. Take care. 🤗😘x

Jlove46 profile image

Lovely pic darling🤗🤗🤗 and I love ur story as well, I always say a memory is a joyful thing 🙂

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toJlove46

Pleased you enjoyed them Jlove. 👍🏻👍🏻 Yes, happy memories are wonderful aren’t they😊, which is why dementia is such a wicked thing robbing people of their memories. So let’s keep sharing them and enjoying them while we can. 🥰 Take care. 🤗😘x

Jlove46 profile image

Most definitely!! When we can let's, no one knows what tomorrow brings, so enjoy 2day for 2morrow🙂

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toJlove46

You too 🤗😘xx

daisydayz profile image

Melts my heart❤

So sorry you got postponed Misty 🤞you get rescheduled soon X

..& love the little stories with this post- intend to read them all later😁


misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply todaisydayz

Thanks so much daisydayz for your good wishes. Hope to hear soon for another appt. Hope your feeling better now too daisy. Keep safe and well. Xx

daisydayz profile image
daisydayz in reply tomisty14

I really hope you are not left much longer misty & yes I feel so much better than I was thank you.Take care X


misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply todaisydayz

Thank you so much daisy and i hope you continue feeling better for a long time now. Take care too. Xx🙂❤🙂

Horsewhisper profile image

Lovely cute pic Spotty and definitely one Misty would have posted too. How disappointing about having the op cancelled, all that getting ready both physically and mentally, so draining when it’s called off at the last minute. I hope Misty feels ok and is not too uncomfortable 🌺

I have a cute animal story to share - I used to let the geese in through the patio doors from the garden and let them sit up on the sofa with me to watch cartoons - it used to drive mum nuts and I couldn’t understand why at the time! 😂 💩 🛋 She used to shoo the geese (thankfully there were only 3 of them!) out into the garden amid much flapping of wings and disgruntled honking from my feathered friends! Happy memories!! 😝🤗😘🤗

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toHorsewhisper

That is such a lovely story HW. 👍🏻 I can just visualise it. 😁 I bet the geese loved the cartoons too. Wasn’t Donald Duck by any chance?😆 Thanks so much for sharing HW. Take care 🤗😘xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply toSpotty-ewe

😂 along with Daffy Duck and Tweetie Pie! Loony Tunes all the way in our house! 😆🐥 🦆 🤗😘🤗

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toHorsewhisper

Aaah, I remember them well.🥰 Thanks for the memories HW. 📺🐭🦆🐥🤗🥰xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply toSpotty-ewe

Great post Spotty - so many wonderful replies! ☀️👍😘🤗😘

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toHorsewhisper

Thanks HW. It has been fun and I’m so pleased if has cheered up Misty and taken her mind off things. 💕🤗😘🐪🐗🐆🦜🐥🦆🐭xx🐑

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply toHorsewhisper

Thanks so much horsewhisper for your good wishes and adding your lovely story. I love it that they were on your knee/sofa watching t.v with you. Its wonderful and like spotty I can really picture them. Its all making me smile at a very painful, tiring time so thank you. Hope for better news next week.

Do hope your keeping safe and well as possible. Xx

honeybug profile image

Thank you Misty







cuttysark profile image

Hoping for good news of a new appointment very soon dear Misty!It is SO upsetting a cancellation when it takes a lot to mentally prepare us for the op in the first place!

It is wonderful however to see all the love and good wishes from the forum for you and which you so deserve with all that you give to us!!

Thanks too to Spotty Ewe for helping out with such a cute picture!

💕💕☺️ xxx

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Special cutie pic

Hello everyone This week's cutie pic is a special edition for Spottyewe, Stormy and anyone else...
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Special cutie

Hello everyone This weeks pic is a very special foal born on the day of Prince Phillip's funeral....
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Cutie from Countryfile

Hello friends This week's cutie pic is special as its a late born 6 day old Exmoor Pony. For...
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Super cutie pic

Hello everyone I just had to share this super cutie bunny pictured in Richmond Park. I think he is...
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