Hi I’m looking for advice on shielding I have lupus arthritis asthma epilepsy tachycardia and osteoporosis in and out hospital with respiratory problems and infections can someone please help me with this thank you
Query on shielding : Hi I’m looking for advice on... - LUPUS UK
Query on shielding

Shielding is due to end however it’s worth being careful as AI illnesses often do their own thing and there’s little information about them AND Covid TOGETHER! Take care and stay safe.
Shielding has been paused for all of us and we are now under the same restrictions as everyone else .whether you should of been on the shielding list may of depended on medication taken. the advice on the last letter from the DHSC for those of us who are cev is to keep social contact to a minimum and work from home where possible.personally I'm not considering changing anything until I've had vaccine no2 x
Well said Spanielmadlady. Bearing in mind the very broad brush covering the "shielding" community, I think it best for us all to reflect individually and make our own minds up as to when it feels safe to mix again. Yesterday my wife and myself visited our son and his family for the first time in 12 months. They had all tested themselves before our arrival and we had an excellent day. Having said that, we both slept soundly as soon as we got home. Re shielding we will not have the 2nd jab until the end of April so there will be not much difference to our shielding routine as far as we are concerned. Certainly no visits to Tesco's (or B & Q/ Dobbies) for some time to come. Maybe we will break in slowly by trying the local farm shop first. Stay safe and best wishes.
I get mine at the end of april too.i haven't seen my daughter and grandchildren since last august at a socially distance picnic.im also not allowing my hairdresser to come until may.im so pleased you managed to see your familiy ..hopefully its not to long before you see them again .Take care keep smiling xxx
Wife has COPD.and Arthritis, she got letter to shield but revived a letter 2 weeks ago saying she didn’t have too after April 1st.
Hi shielding ended 1st April hun
You should been shielding. Just be very careful no close contacts no sharing car others u don't live with go out off peak times is what rnd shielding letter advised my hu who shielded hugs
I’m in the clinically extremely vulnerable group and have been shielding. Were you in the shielding group? I’m not sure from what you say. You should have been by the sound of your illnesses. All shielding has now stopped but we are advised to take as much care as possible so still socially distancing, not meeting indoors, washing hands often, not touching face etc.
Was there something g specific you needed help on?
Hi thanks for getting back to me I’ve been looking for advice on shielding I will tell you why because I know I should have been on the shielding list due to all my health problems I have lupus both of them copd asthma epilepsy tachycardia arthritis and osteoporosis but when I phoned the doctors ie GP I was told by the receptionist the doctor said that I was more or less normal I could not believe what I was hearing honestly I was really angry and upset how can a doctor say I’m normal with all these health problems so because off this I couldn’t get help like the people that got shielding letters I had to phone about to get help from people who were volunteering this is why I’m asking you and I’m going to get In touch with my local mp as I was really struggling with more of less everything and because off that GP I was denied all the help I was entitled to
It’s probably worth the fight even though I hope shielding will not be necessary again. But with new Covid variants occurring it is possible so better to get yourself on the list
Hi thank you for getting back to me yes I know and it’s the principle I was taken into hospital just before new year because off my respiratory was really bad and I was in for a week and I had pleurisy this is why I’m asking you because as I said been in hospital so many times during this pandemic and it’s not very pleasant I have terrible nightmares every time I get home please take care and stay safe thanks