Further to shielding letter from the Government, which has still not materialised, I received a telephone call from NHS shielding, I am classed extremely vulnerable and that I'm not to go out for shopping or prescriptions, even though I always have to rely on my sister normally. I said to him that I thought that I was forgotten about, as does everyone with lupus and it is confusing for all of us. The reply was that everyone should be either getting a phone call or letter and that we should all be entitled to priority deliveries. So we will have to wait and see what happens now.
Shielding letter : Further to shielding letter from... - LUPUS UK
Shielding letter

I got my letters last week, registered on gov uk site prior to receiving letters, got my food parcels delivered 8 boxes of food today. Medication dropped off which was arranged via boots pharmacy and started getting emails for priority onlins shopping
We are sporadically getting deliveries, but on Monday we had ordered a white loaf of bread, but apparently they had no bread in the entire shop as they didn't send any bread, so we have had to do without until today. When the mother of my nephew's best friend found out she went to buy some and brought it & some sweets over to us, which was so good of her, but she said that my sister had given her& her son lots of lifts home from school so that was her way of saying thank you, my mum is relieved as she can now have breakfast tomorrow. We will be happy if we can get our deliveries sorted out, we will just have to wait and see how things go.
why is everyone getting these food parcels? x
Are you on high dose steroids? I haven’t had a letter or text. I was chatting about this on here the other day
No I'm not on steroids, apart from inhalers, nose spray, eyebrows are all low dose steroids. I also have secondary Sjourgins & Raynards. So maybe that is why, other than that it may be because I am classed as housebound. I'm unable to leave the house without someone with me, not really sure which of them is the actual reason, b
This is a really useful flow chart to see your risk level, posted by lupusuk: leedsth.nhs.uk/assets/f6d9e...
I got a sheilding letter this morning, after visiting my GP on Friday. I was missed from the first and second wave of NHS lists. My GP coded me as extremely vulnerable so I can now forward the paperwork to my employer, who just so happens to be the NHS!
If you feel you should have received a letter get in touch with your GP and go through the self registration on gov.uk. I did that 4 weeks ago and I got a priority slot with Asda. This shows that I was on the extremely vulnerable list but somehow got missed.
Stay safe x
I finally got my letter yesterday and a Priority Pass from ASDA - no slots. Have been adding to a friends online shopping which was fine but apparently there is a limit on the number of items and both of us need quite a bit this week so am stuck - did call Tesco this evening and they have registered me as Priority but it won't start for another 24hrs and who knows if they will have slots or not, she said depends on your area and how any others there are that need the same - so although I have a lot of food in, am just not fancying it - had major abdominal surgery for a strangulated hernia 2 months ago so still in recovery and can't manage to stand and cook etc then had a nasty fall in the shower a week ago and am struggling all round now - I just want some nice ice cream!
Does deliveroo deliver in your area? They don't in mine, but you may have it, if so they may be able get you some ice cream.
I hope that you get your delivery sorted if not you can ring the council they will help you.
I hope that you feel better soon & be careful no running around and doing hop scotch.
Any problems with deliveries contact your local council helpline. Best wishes Kevin
I asked my doctor about letter and they agreed to send me one but while it was in the post they got a message from the powers that be that I was not a high risk. I have Lupus SLE, COPD, and by results of blood test Lupus could be affecting my kidneys but not had that confirmed yet. I do have letter from doctors.
Hi custardpot,
Check the list again, I'm sure COPD is on the list & if so get back in touch with NHS and tell them about it & your medical conditions, also about your kidneys and if you have any mobility problems getting around such as going shopping yourself. Sorry other than that I can only suggest phone your local council they may be able to help you.