Here is my cheeky chap who I am thinking of breaking to harness so that I can get off the premises whilst I am waiting for my licence to return! He is 12.3 HH and is a Welsh section A crossed with a Gypsy Vanner. My son has nearly outgrown him now and I spend more time riding behind him as he bombs off round the fields in front! ❤️🐴💕
For Stiff - 4 legs instead of 4 wheels! - LUPUS UK
For Stiff - 4 legs instead of 4 wheels!

Oh he's gorgeous! What a face full of character. Sounds like a good way of traveling to me! Enjoy!! 🌈
Thanks Hoofprints! He is very much is own person and makes sure we know about it! Seems you like horses too with a “Hoof” in your name? 😘
Oh he is just beautiful. What is his name? Xxx
Oh Hw he’s magnificent!!!! ♥️♥️♥️I’ve always loved horses and would trade 4 legs any day for 4 wheels.
You are sooo blessed to have such a wonderful creature for your very own. Lots of love ♥️ and cuddles 🤗 from me please.
Thank you for this wonderful treat for my eyes.
Praying you’re doing well my friend.
Much love.
EJ 😊🤗♥️🥰🙏🕊🌿🌸🦋
Aaaaw EJ! Such kind words! I gave him a massive hug from you today, he is a very tactile creature who softly blows out of his nostrils and nibbles my gloves as sentiments in return! He is a sweetheart and has been brilliant with the kids growing up over the years. I am doing well at the moment with plenty of fresh air outdoors. Always such a tonic, especially this time of year. I hope you are faring well too? Blessings and wishes 🤗😘🤗
Thank you so much sweetie. Anytime you think of it give him love and cuddles from me please. Awww what a gent your precious guy is. So happy he got on well with the kids.
I’m elated to hear you’re doing well. Yes fresh air and nature in general is such a pleasure to be out in. I lost that ability decades ago due to deadly allergies. But when I must go out I truly am mesmerized by the gentle breeze the birds chirping and the clean smell of fresh cut grass when I get a whiff through the 3 stacked allergy masks I must wear whenever I’m outside.
To be with such a magnificent creature as your Sooty would be the cherry 🍒 on top of the ice cream sundae.
You take care be safe hun.
We’re trying to be the same over here.
Abundant blessings sweetie.
EJ 🐎😍
Lots of cuddles for Sooty Bear today EJ as I needed to put a thicker rug on him as we are due some cold sleety/rain tonight, extra hay rations too! I’m sorry to hear about your allergies, at least you can venture a little outside with your masks on and savour a little of what nature can provide. I hope you are keeping well and safe too - a tricky time of year now for everyone, for sure. ❤️🤗😘🤗
He’s a winsome creature! You know I love my creatures!!❤️🧡💛💚💙🤍💜🐾🐎🦓🦣🐅🐕🦮🐈🐈⬛🐓🐿🦌🐇🦝🦋🦉
We moved to a horse property when my daughter was 8. She wanted a horse so bad. We already had 3 Akitas, 2 green anoles, 2 barn cats and 30 acres. So, for Christmas I did what any sane mother would do, I bought her a horse tapestry blanket for her bed ( she still has it 20 years later) and made a deal with Mrs. N, friends down the road with horses etc. She would get riding lessons AND muck out the stable and brush/comb Misty after. If she could do all her chores, that, and school work, we would get a horse 🐴. She loved it. It lasted 3 months and then she no longer wanted a horse but still wanted lessons. And Mrs. N still had work around the barn that needed to be done. (Mrs. N’s daughter later became my nanny). It all worked beautifully. I love horses! But my husband was working in Silicon Valley (400 miles away in another state) and commuting weekly and I had two kids, animals, a business, an ASD child with needs, and just couldn’t bring myself to take on more.
Please give your handsome 🐴 a pat and a hug or a treat from me. I don’t have any of that now, except the kids and a stupid disease. Glad 🙂 things are working better for you at the moment. Keep on keeping on!!
Hey D! How lovely that you did that for your daughter - the memories that you both have you will always treasure. Ah yes, the deals we make with the kids to help them contribute to and appreciate the arrangements when it comes to our four legged friends! They are a big commitment and are quite time consuming. It’s now that my kids are older that they do most of the yard work with the horses - which works well for you me when hit from time to time with the dreaded fatigue! Still, nothing like a howling wind and a torrential downpour to feel really alive when getting them in for the farrier etc. I love it! Yes - to keep on keeping on is key and you have to when animals and kids are dependent on you. Such a good reason to “be”. Hope you are doing ok at the moment? 🌟🤗😘🤗
One day at a time! I am learning to get along with SPS. Keeping a sense of humor is definitely a must.Sinterklaas is this weekend 😁so something to look forward to. Feeling alright at the mo’ and doing what I can to strengthen this earthly cage (physio, sleep, baking). If I have 5 good minutes, I’m grateful. I run with it and if it’s a whole day, well absolutely glorious!😘💕
He’s adorable! Every week I want to cancel my riding lesson because I’m sore or achy... but I get to the barn and see my horses, ride and feel so free! Yes I can’t move for three days after but it’s worth every achy moment! Thank you for sharing your beautiful beast with us! ❤️🐎
It’s great that you still ride - and the freedom that riding gives you is worth the aches and pains afterwards! I have to put my feet up and have a little snooze after being out with the horses. I find it such a tonic and a great distraction from all things medical, for a while at least! Glad you liked my pony! 👍😘
He is lovely. I just want to throw my arms around him and give him a big hug! I bet Stiff will enjoy seeing him when she gets back to the forum. Please post him again once you’ve broken him to harness. Thanks for sharing him with us Horsewhisper. 🤗😘
Thanks Spotty! He is very cuddly and enjoys being fussed and groomed which was great when the kids were smaller/younger as he just put up with everything(like riding backwards bareback etc,) all the fun stuff, he just let them get on with it! Hope you are ok at the mo? 🤞🤗💕🤗
Aww what a wonderful boy he is, so loving and tolerant. 🥰I used to ride bare back too, as a youngster in Australia, because the girth caused sores in the heat so my friend preferred her pony Marina was ridden bare back as much as possible. I was glad I rode double with her though as I’m sure I’d have fallen off otherwise! 😂 I’m ok at present thanks Horsewhisper enjoying local walks but upset to see more coniferous woodland where the roe deer lived has been felled. Don’t know where they’ll go now as the local woodland is diminishing at an alarming rate. They will replant but it takes many years for the trees to be big enough to provide a suitable habitat for all the wildlife the felling has displaced. Very sad but that’s big business for you and the wildlife crimes officer assures me no crime has been committed even when the felling goes right up to a badger’s sett. Money talks.I hope you are as well as can be. 🙏🏻 🤗😘
Wow what a beauty 😍😍 love his markings, brings back lovely memories too. I think I’m in love 🥰😂😂 that will be fantastic to break him to harness, he looks like he would enjoy it 👍he looks a cheeky chap pie 😂👍😍 lovely pic seeing him be ridden too 👍 Thankyou for posting I love him and sorry for being away not to reply sooner but been hectic here with husband taken to hospital as emergency Monday then out thursday now back in for op Monday but still not good even sending home 🙈 we have to isolate now till then. Hope Alls well with you and family 😘🤗🙏🐎😍xx
Oh Stiff, sorry to hear about your husband, what a shock for you all,I hope he’s feeling ok and that you’re alright too? Not a great time for something like that to happen....huge and best wishes to you all right now. 🙏💕Glad you liked the pony pic and I hope he brought you a smile and a little cheery distraction. We’re all good here - daughter preparing her art portfolio digitally for online submissions for art courses. So she’s tearing up the house looking for her fave pieces! 🤪Take care now and all the best of luck for Monday 🤞🤗😘🤗
Hi horsewhisper ,Thankyou, he was due in for op next week but didn’t expect him to take turn for worse beforehand so that part I guess was a shock . More of a shock was how not so busy it seemed in there, and how they let visitors in. . I know it’s nice to have visitors but when you are tested for virus before going to a ward and yet they let visitors in not knowing if they have it 🤷♀️ Still I guess the staff are not tested every day 🤷♀️ It just heightened how crazy our times are. I loved the pics , he’s a real handsome chap 😍 and must have lovely nature growing up with your kids. When I was young I had a lovely welsh named duchess and she really was, with lovely nature , unlike our Shetland Goldy who was a really naughty chap but loved that character too. I love the visions you paint of your family life 😍 I’m sure from what we’ve seen your daughters portfolio will be great 👍, how’s she doing with the online? Not long now before they break up from school yay 🙌🏻 Xmas for me will be a welcome break from reality for a short while. I love the tree and lights being up , a warm comfort. Have you done any stones yet? I’ve felted a few hares, of course a Xmas hare and made a few ornament decs, but not much.
If you do choose to put him to harness be lovely to see a pic of that too 👍 take care hw, 😘🤗🐴xx
Gorgeous boy HW 🤗🐎 I once did reiki on a similar looking horse who belonged to a willow weaver friend of mine..he was trained to pull her cart when she took her baskets to market!! Needless to say he loved it n so did the other horses in the field!! It was a wonderful experience!! His name was Elvis!! 😹
Thanks for sharing n evoking happy memories 🌈😽😽xx
I bet Elvis did love the healing Kat. 🥰 I did spiritual healing on a lovely large gelding as part of my course and he absolutely loved it too. He leaned into my hands and relaxed his weight into them so much that I had to remind him he was too heavy for me and gently pushed him fully upright again.😆 It was an honour he trusted me and enjoyed the healing so much but a huge burden too (literally) until he stood straight again. Lovely creatures and I love the smell of them too. ☺️ I hope you are kepping okay Kat? Love and hugs. 😘🤗
Hey good to hear from u Spotty 🤗Yes Elvis was a heavy horse..not sure what kinda horse he was but it was definitely a very moving experience!!
I'm plodding along thank u..loads going on including trying to complete a pip review form!! Now that's making my brain ache!! 🤓😹
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods 🌈😽😽xx
We aren’t too bad thanks Kat. Hubby waiting to see GP on Tuesday to discuss ECG result from last week and to look at patches on his back - doc wants to rule out melanoma. I’m good at present thankfully - usual story 1 up and the other down. 😆 Good luck with the pip form. Keep plodding on.🙏🏻 Take care Kat. 🤗😘xx