Hope you dont mind me joining you all.
I have been sick for years with one thing or another.I have had one Dr tell me it was my age I am 57 this year.I use a rollator to walk as I have Osterartritis in both knees and fall quite often.
My Dr retired late last year so I have a new Gp what a change I was down seeing him about my massive weight loss and chest pains, he had a look of my file for the last few years and commented on my face and asked how long I have had that rash told him about three years he couldnt belive it. I told him about my hair loss, always in pain, fingers and toes always cold and white then turning blue plus other things. He has ordered blood tests and x-rays. He says he thinks I have Lupus.
I dont want to have it but its nice for someone to understand how I feel and not just palm me off with tablet after tablet and blame my age..