Some Art!: For SML (I said I’d find some pieces for... - LUPUS UK


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Some Art!

Horsewhisper profile image
22 Replies

For SML (I said I’d find some pieces for you) Spotty, Krazy-Kat and Stiff - and everyone else on here who enjoys all things creative! Here are some pet portraits my daughter did last summer after her GCSE’s. Featuring our Labrador and a couple of friends’ wooflers - a Border Terrier and an Alsatian. Enjoy! Xx

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Horsewhisper profile image
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22 Replies
Spanielmadlady profile image

Thank you Horsewhisper. What amazing drawings a natural talent indeed.please pass on my appreciation to your daughter x 😍 x

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Spanielmadlady

I will do SML - she’s quite coy about her art and always thinks she can do better. She’s doing Art A level and will probably do a Foundation course before going on to do a Fine Art degree. I don’t possess any artistic skills, but do appreciate everyone else’s creativity! Xx

Spanielmadlady profile image
Spanielmadlady in reply to Horsewhisper

My son is they same but I guess that's what makes them so good as they are always trying to improve.i wish her every success with her a levels . My daughter got top in art too...the talent missed me somehow not sure where they get it from but having said that my dad was a draftsman in the 50s,60s and 70s before technology when they had to draw the old fashioned way.enjoy your day xx

thestorm profile image

Aww, your daughter has a hand for this dear Horsewhisper, Lovely details, and some of the hardest parts to draw are the eyes, windows to the souls, she has that downpat, Great job. So nice to see so many arts from around this world, make us all enjoy the times we have here a bit more. Thank you for sharing your talented daughters works. Much peace, and love to you, and yours. Thestormy sunshine:)

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to thestorm

Hello Stormysunshine, thank you for your kind words, yes I think she has the eyes just right and the detail around the mouths and teeth is pretty good. I too, love to see people’s creative posts - a welcome distraction from the things that pull us down and helps us to keep in touch with each other during these tough times. Peace and blessings back to you ⛈🌞, keep your rays shining! 🤗😘

svfarmer profile image

These drawings are amazing - a very talented daughter you have xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to svfarmer

Thank you svfarmer, glad you like them xx

misty14 profile image

Your daughter horse whisper is really talented!. Those pics are so lifelike, they're beautiful. Thanks so much for posting. Keep safe and well. Xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to misty14

Hi misty - she really tries hard at capturing the essence of the pet she’s painting, knowing the doggies as I do, she seems to have got it. The Border Terrier is a real character and she was pleased with his expression! Keeping safe by avoiding everyone and everything when venturing out and starting to feel a little more confident, hopefully it will last! Are you ok? 🤗😘

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to Horsewhisper

She certainly does capture the true essence of her subjects horse whisper. She is very talented. Hoping she is pursuing art in ALevel and beyond.

Glad to hear you are venturing out more and feeling more confident!. I am doing similar while I feel I can before winter when we may be curtailed again!. I'm waiting for an op and camera test so health isn't as good as it could be but I'm coping. How are you?. Keep safe and well. Xx😊💕

Spotty-ewe profile image

How did I miss this post? The drawings are fantastic! I remember the beautiful painting she did of your horse for a ‘work’ theme. Fabulous! A very talented daughter you have. I hope she keeps up her art work whatever career she ends up taking. Thanks for posting Horsewhisper. They’ve made my day! 🤗😘💕

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Spotty-ewe

Such kind words Spotty - yes she enshrined my old horse in acrylic and when we first hung the painting up in the house, the dog bounded up to it and started barking! He obviously thought the horse was in the house! It was so funny! 🤣. Yes my daughter is very keen to pursue a career in art, she is at her happiest when creating. Hope you are having a nice weekend? 🤗😘

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to Horsewhisper

😂😂 That is so funny. Good to hear your daughter intends to pursue a career in art. It will be so rewarding for her to work at something that she loves and makes her happy! 👍🏻👍🏻 I wish her all the best. 🤗😘x

Krazykat26 profile image

These r terrific!! 😍

Reminds me of an Alsatian bitch we had when I was a n that lovely gal used to go everywhere together!! 🐶

They're mighty fine drawings n I'm glad that your daughter is persuing her art..she has natural talent!! Well done!! 👏👏👏🌈😽😽Xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Krazykat26

Thank you so much Kat! I’ll pass on to my daughter, she will be chuffed. I adore Alsatians and would love to get one - as you know they are a one-woman-dog and incredibly loyal and protective. This one in the pic was being puppy-walked before becoming a guide dog - he used to come over for play dates and let off steam and break all the guide dog rules such as playing with balls, sticks and jumping in the pond! It must have done him good as he is now fully trained, in work and doing a great job. Hope you are doing ok? 🐶🤗😘

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply to Horsewhisper

Oh wow..they're really lovely dogs!! Our bitch was called Sheba n she originally was trained as a puppy as a police dog but she was quite small so she didn't quite make the grade!! Bless her she was fabulous..I didn't have to have her on the lead coz she responded to every command..u know when they walk right beside u..stop at roads n all that...I was about 8/9 when we got her..she was definitely my best friend!! 😍

I'm ok thank u.. recovering after my adventure this week..but I've just heard on the news something about this area going into lockdown again so just as well I got it sorted..phew!! 😹

U mentioned in another reply that you're not artistic..well I would beg to differ there lady...your creative spark is've had me dribbling many a post..I'm always reaching into your cyber freezer!! 😋

And you've got fabulous pics of the wildlife in your garden..great photographic skills..most of my pics come out blurry!! 😹

Hope all's well with u HW 🤗 🌈😽😽xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Krazykat26

😂yes I had forgotten about getting creative in the kitchen - thanks for reminding me! I think because I am always feeding the fam it’s part of the daily routine - rather than something I’d settle down to do out of sheer pleasure. I suppose I go off piste with recipes and make things from scratch to keep the old grey matter ticking over and to liven up the shielded situation a bit! Can’t nip to the shops for a choc ‘n hazlenut puff pastry twist - so I make my own!! I’m knocking up a batch of vanilla ice cream later and will put some in the cyber freezer for you Kat - it’s made with whole milk and free range eggs from the farm up the road and vanilla pod - yum! Oh hark at me banging on about food....well the photos, iPhone camera and right place right time. I think I got really lucky with the Red Kite, I’ll never forget that...what a summer for wild life!

I’m doing alright - switching to Methoject as just can’t tolerate the tabs, make me so nauseous and flat for a day or two, a bit low on Potassium too so on those fizzy tabs 3 x a day, but ticking along!

Glad your adventure outside went well, just as well you went out earlier if there is a possibility of a local lockdown. At least you know what to expect next time and hopefully it won’t be too daunting. Keep us posted Kat if you go out again! 🤞👍🌟🤗😘

stiff19 profile image

Wow they’re fantastic, your daughter is truly talented, arty people are never happy with their work it’s always I could do this that 🙈😂 I am envious she is going to do an art degree, I wish I’d followed art in my younger years but youngsters are lucky with their options and choices these days. I can see she will do great and please tell her it’s fantastic work and great you showed them 👍😍😍 You must be very proud🙌🏻


stiff19 profile image
stiff19 in reply to stiff19

Ps I am sorry I forgot to ask have the kids been to school? If they did I do hope they got on ok👌 If not lucky you 😂🤗xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to stiff19

Yes - thanks for asking Stiff - they started back on Thursday - all new routines etc re:Covid etc but they seemed pleased to be back to see their friends. Can’t remember if I have already said this to you but Rheumy said when they got home, they have to get straight in the shower, put clean clothes on and bung school clothes in the wash. Wipe down shoes, bags, outdoor coats etc with surgical spirit or diluted bleach as the biggest risk to me is contamination through touch/clothes etc, rather than through the breath. So we did that Thurs & Fri and it seemed to work well.

I think you said your daughter is back this week? How is she feeling about it? Are you ok with it all? I found the thought of it all quite daunting tbh, but once they were back in I felt ok, the house was so quiet without them and I did miss them. Fingers crossed it all goes well for you both, such a big thing to face after such a long time out of school routines, huge thoughts and prayers for this week 🙏🙏🙏🤗😘❣️

stiff19 profile image
stiff19 in reply to Horsewhisper

I’m so glad they’re glad to be back to see their friends👍 I bet they were tired too after so long . Daughter is anxious as I , but thankfully not seeming to be over anxious. She asked if she can wear her mask in lessons, she doesn’t mind wearing it and obviously a bit scared given having to wear it shops etc. I bet you did miss them I know I’m going to greatly miss her and will be counting the hours down to her coming back home.throughout the time off she’s been getting up so at least that shouldn’t be hard, she’s never liked getting up anyhow😂 the lessons will be long now so it will be all change and will just have to see how it goes, hopefully she will be partially glad to be back. Thankyou so much hw and I hope your kids get on ok this week too, and that the new routines settle in with ease🤞🙏🙏😘🤗🐝xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to stiff19

Thanks Stiff! I’ll pass on your kind words - she gets totally absorbed in her art - we went to a George Stubbs exhibition as she is interested in hyperrealism. She pretty much had her nose up to every single painting and would spot the tiniest brush strokes made by a single hair in order to create a glint of light on a stirrup! Things like that totally pass me by but she takes in every bit of detail which is always lovely to see. Yes the kids have way more choices than we ever did and if they have a passion for something at school they are really encouraged to pursue it, which is how it should be! Hope you’re ok and have had a nice weekend 👍🤗😘❣️

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