Just had mandatory reconsideration letter through. Yet again 0 points!
So many lies! More than last time! How are they allowed to get away with this and what can I do!?
The first thing I'll say that they have put in the letter and I am sure many of you will choke at this too. I swear they have put this in for a laugh. "There was no evidence of cognitive difficulties or overwhelming pyschological distress". Seriously!? Wtf!? I have letter from a Liverpool Walton Centre Neurologist which I sent a copy of stating I am under significant distress and that is having an impact on my physical and mental wellbeing.
"You said you have difficulty engaging with others. You engaged appropriately at the health assessment with no prompting or support from third party." This is an outright lie! The friend that was with me had to answer some of the questions, particularly in regards to mental health as I struggled and was visibly distressed, sweaty hands, refused to talk about mental health, even when the assessor pushed. She wanted to talk about things I find very difficult to talk about. No. I was incredibly uncomfortably, changed sitting position and had very closed body language. Seriously, how are they allowed to lie!?
"You said you have diffivulties with buttons fastenings. No restrictions were observed with the movement of your hands. You are able to fill your car with fuel and handled your bag without difficulty. There was no observed redness or swelling in your hands.." I didn't use my hands in the assessment nor did they ask me to do anything with my hands. She asked about buttons. I answered, I don't wear clothes with buttons. Right wrist is pretty unusable and 'clunks' out. I have going through proprioceptive retraining and purposely use my other wrist for so much. I picku up my bag with left wrist which has a ganglyion cyst in which presses on the ulna nerve. If i use a straight wrist, I am able to use it. I didn't even use the door at the assessment. She didn't even look or ask to look at my hands and my hands and wrists are painful and swell with use. Ask me to pick up a kettle and you'll notice! Ask me to do the weeding and I cannot move my wrist for the rest of the day and it is agony the following day.
"You said that you struggled to prepare food due to injury to your wrist and your health conditions. You were observed to move freely, lift a bag with your right hand and there was no redness or swelling observable." I didn't lift my bag with my right wrist as I do not do that. If they contacted the hand therapist at Countess of Chester they would know the difficulties and the medical facts regarding my right wrist. I was sent to Pulvertaft Hand Centre at Royal Derby Hospital to get the correct diagnosis! Again, all evidence sent in. The consultant in question is the ONLY consultant in the NHS that has the experise to diagnose what I have done to my right wrist. He also the ONLY consulltant who can stablise the joint. It isn't fixable, only able to make it more stable.
There are so many other examples of LIES within this letter. Every word is lie. What am I supposed to do now!? How can they can get away with lying? I was counting on PIP to be able to afford a car. I am COMPLETELY STRANDED where I live. I hate this life. I really do.