Hi . So since the beginning of 2019 w started to notice a few things regarding my health like fatigue and dizziness severe pain in my left toes and raynauds which I have had for a few years . I also noticed a ringing in my ears tinnitus and balance problems. Anyway in December just before Christmas I had a rash across my cheeks and nose which felt like sunburn and I felt so strange I took myself AnE after a bad night as my left foot had swollen also .
Left hospital with suspected lupus!
Bloods from doctor have come back negative but she has referred me to the rheumatologist as she said they can do more tests and find out what’s going on
I just feel scared as I knew things were not right. I’ve always been active but since last year I stopped running as the dizziness and tiredness was crazy .
My periods are all over the place from being light to extremely heavy and painful.
My doctor just wants the best for me now and she really is helpful . I haven’t had another flare up as bad yet although I’m due on and I get really bad like today I’ve felt like I was blacking out twice which has affected my balance even more .
Any help advice and support would be so welcome as I did join a group on Facebook and a few people were not kind after I showed pictures of my rash I just felt like crying.
I had Cushing’s syndrome in 2004 and have been back to endocrine and they have already said it’s nothing to do with my adrenal glands .
Thanks once again Natalie