I am diagnosed officially as uctd, with positive ana (1:1280) and anti ro. They call it lupus mainly, the last few years I've been getting progressive Cns type symptoms. I was diagnosed with dystonic tremor in my left hand, but the tremor is progressing.
I also have muscle weakness, early muscle failure, (immediately on lifting my left leg from lying down) muscle cramps and constant pain, palpitations that last for hours, (diagnosed as atrial flutter), dizziness, sweating on standing, slowing speech, trouble urinating, trouble walking, weight loss, constant feeling of fullness, unable to eat, unable to digest food, after years of constant diarrhea and increasing pain in my right side, in my upper stomach, I tried digestive enzymes. And the result was amazing. No diarrhea ,a lot less pain. So clearly I'm not making managing to digest foods. Every month, my cycle makes it all a million times worse. My tremors make life really difficult, the pain is intense. The pain during ovulation leaves me completely unable to walk, pain like nothing else. I cant even stand for 48 hours.
I've been tested for gallstones, had a brain mri, abdominal ultrasound, nothing but a kidney cyst, my rheumy denies it's to do with my autoimmune disease, she is only interested in "classic" lupus symptoms. Something is wrong and it's getting worse. And I'm so fed up. Of course I have the classic lupus symptoms with it, I have the joint pain and the rashes, and the fatigue, I also have dry eyes, but I'm on no meds and treating all of this with cannabis and fish oils, because I cant seem to get any help anywhere else. I also had a toxic nodule causing hyperthyroidism for 4 years, and had to have half my thyroid removed in 2018.
Basically. Help.