I am officially diagnosed as uctd, but it is called lupus and sjogrens. I have an ana of 1/1280 and a positive anti ro. It's been fairly stable, I also have thyrotoxicosis caused by a large nodule on my thyroid. It's not gravestone, not related to the autoimmune but it's unstable and I'm frequently hyper or hypo.
But over the last year of so I've been getting some neurological symptoms, constant eye twitching in both eyes at once but worse in the left, facial twitching, lips, tongue, thumb and forefinger on both hands, thighs. Tremors, which I blamed on my thyroid but it's mainly on my left side, with increasing weakness in my grip, intention tremor, just in that hand, problems reading, mixing up letters and words reading and writing, like writing p instead of d. Problems talking sometimes. And worst of all quite a severe head ache, like an ice pick driving from the Base of my skull into my eye, and down my spine. This along with urinary frequency and urgency and bowel changes, very very dry eyes, and muscle pain/weakness. I'm worried. My twitching can be not too bad some day and terrible on others with my lips and eyes going at once.
My hand issues make it hard to pick up small objects. Can this be lupus/uctd/sjogrens? I'm not on meds right now. I was OK handling the pain with mindfulness and taking mild pain relief when needed, I didn't want hydroxy while breastfeeding. I'm worried this is something else (God forbid) I had nerve conduction studies recently for tingling and numbness in my hands and feet and everything was fine. I don't know what to think, I'm worried about Ms and other nervous system diseases, but then it seems just ridiculously unlikely to have that too..