Hubby and I decided to have a few days in Keswick to relax after a strange week. I don’t know if I am suffering with Lupus fog, hearing problems or just getting senile. But a few weird things happened last week. In a Yoga class we were doing a ‘down dog’ when the instructor suddenly said, “and now we go in Tesco’s”. What? I looked up and found everybody else in Intense Pose, not in Tesco’s! Then after a shower I couldn’t get my locker open so another lady had to go to reception to get somebody to help me. In the changing cubicle I couldn’t find my trousers and assumed I’d left them at home, but no I couldn’t have, I’d worn them over my leggings to Bannatynes that morning. I searched high and low and couldn't find them anywhere. So I had to put on my leggings again and went to reception to ask if the trousers had been handed in. No they hadn’t. Finally when I was searching for a hanky, there they were at the bottom of my bag!!🤦♀️ I felt so stupid and had to go and tell the girls at reception I’d found them. How embarrassing! To calm down I decided to have a cuppa with hubby who’d come to collect me before we went home. I put my handbag on the table and looked inside for my purse. Where was it? I asked hubby who didn’t have a clue. 🤷🏻♂️ Eventually when I lifted my handbag to put it on the empty seat next to me there it was underneath the bag! I must have lifted it out whilst talking to hubby and then put the bag on top of it! So you can see why I needed a relaxing weekend.
We had intended to attempt Catbells today but it was raining off and on all day (mainly on!) so we only walked to the base of the hill. I was wearing my Lupus UK T-shirt to raise some Lupus awareness but of course being hidden under my waterproof it was only visible in the 2 cafes where we stopped for a rest - Lingholm where Beatrix Potter stayed on holidays with her family and a cafe in Portinscale. I didn’t know if anybody really noticed until one lady approached me in the second cafe and asked about Lupus UK. Her daughter who lives in the States has Lupus and often feels quite alone with the disease as nobody really understands what she goes through. I told her about members of our forum being in USA and Australia as well as UK and her face lit up. I thought she was going to hug me when she thanked me and said she’d tell her daughter about it straight away. 😁 So hopefully we’ll be getting a new member soon. Thank goodness something went right at the end of this week!👍🏻
Wishing you all a good week! 🤗😘 Spotty💕