Anyone trying on a plant-based diet? Did you experience any changes with inflammation and overall health?
Plant-based diet: Anyone trying on a plant-based... - LUPUS UK
Plant-based diet

4 1/2 years ago I changed my diet completely. Not 100% plant based because I do eat poultry and fish. I’ve read that fresh, wild caught salmon and shell fish are both great to fight inflammation.
Otherwise, I do not any other meats, generally have a plant based protein drink with Nanogreens daily. No dairy at all. No gluten (of course), no fast foods, fried foods, soda pop, table salt, etc., etc.
I think it has helped a lot, but I still have a lot of painful days. I think it’s helped my facial rashes and swellings a lot. Not completely, but a lot.
I hope that helps. Oh, and I take a lot of supplements.
I've been vegetarian 32 yrs and Vegan 2 years. No changes to my symptoms but I've help save lots of animals
I eat some meat but not much. Lots and lots of vegetables. No gluten, dairy, sugar. I wouldn’t say I noticed anything overnight but when I’ve strayed, I notice it - more pain and fatigue.
I don’t think it fixes it but I think it helps with resistance to infections which pull me into flares.
Ouch, Pippa, that’s definitely not the fish and poultry I buy. Where did you get that information? I shop Whole Foods, and I think everyone around here is careful nowadays about BPA (has gone BPA Free at least a decade ago?)
I agree that man’s science has become a bit of science fiction, but, I think you can make wise choices around here and navigate through these things. My mom taught me as a child not to drink faucet water. Everyone else would, but now we all know, in Southern California not to drink the faucet water. It’s sad if even the water is unhealthy. But, there are a lot of people that put a lot of unhealthy things in their bodies daily and do just fine. Live long and healthy. For us, we have to be so much more careful.

Just seen this. Mentions Whole Foods.
Thank you overnight, I didn’t mean the store by that name. I’ve actually never shopped at Whole Foods Market. I just meant ‘whole foods’ stores like Sprouts, Baron’s, Roots, etc. But thank you.
PS, as far as fish, I mentioned wild caught, not farmed. But I know nothing about shellfish and sewage.
Thanks for the info, I have not seen nor have I heard of that. And the chlorine in poultry? Do you have a link? That’s another new one.
Are you in the US?
Thank you. I will be sure to study this.
Do you have something regarding the chlorine in poultry?
Oh, I don’t eat mussels, scallops, or oysters. Clams? Maybe once every 5-10 years. I mainly eat shrimp, crab and lobster. But thanks for the info. I may need to think twice about clams.
But I have been adviced that shell fish is good for inflammation.

Yes, but with the new what direction??
No I know what you mean. My fella buys green lipped mussel to help with his arthritic pain
Hi overnight, I don’t understand your question. What do you mean ‘Yes, but with the new what direction??’

They say seafood is good for lowering inflammation but if it's contaminated it will set off inflammation so there is a fine balance to be made.
But my guy swears by green lipped mussel and says it greatly reduces arthritic effects.
Hope my point is less ambiguous now.
I’m not really sure, but I think I get your point?
Honestly, the reason I don’t eat mussels is simply that I don’t care for them (and oysters, blah). I see harvesters collecting the mussels from rocks on the shoreline. I don’t see where the contamination would come from? Contaminated or not, I’m still not eating them because I just don’t like them. 😊

Sewage outfalls are one possible location. They are most likely safe if you know they were harvested from a pristine environment
Thank you for the info.
I think I’m good with that. I lived in Guatemala for a year and a half in my young adult years (like, 40 years ago😱) and we used chlorine or bleach to clean the water, etc. (their water is horrid!) Anyway, I would rather have the chlorine wash then salmonella. I wouldn’t drink chlorine or bleach straight, of course, but it is good for killing off infections, bacteria, etc. in small doses it’s harmless. If you ever do backwoods hiking/camping, one of the provisions you take is a water filtration kit, which would be chlorine tablets, or something similar to, just Incase the water is unfit to drink.
Thank you for providing me with this.

its more than order to speed up the time between birth and market vast numbers of animals and poultry are given anti biotics in their feed. It bulks them up quicker. But these residues are left within the meat and so meat eaters are often unknowingly ingesting large quantities of anti biotics without being aware.
I don’t eat beef (or lamb, etc.) Free range poultry doesn’t go through the same harsh processss. My mom warned me when I was small (so, like 50 years ago?) that the hormones shot into cows to beef them up was harmful to humans. The harsh realities of most chicken farms is really quite horrid. They are packed in, the environment is unhealthy, etc. But free ranch is different, just like wild caught salmon vs farm raised. So, from what I understand, the chlorine washing is mostly because of the disease from packing the chickens in. Free range doesn’t have the problem, but even so, the chlorine wash isn’t strong enough to be toxic whereas the chickens mentioned in this thread that don’t receive that wash have more than double the cases of salmonella, which, obviously is much more harmful then chlorine, which we use to clean our water sources, etc., when needed.
InGuatemala we would either have to boil water sources for 15 minutes before using, or use chlorine or bleach. Just a few drops would be all it would take to kill batteries.
I believe my inflammation levels have been more manageable since vastly increasing my vegetable intake. I am still a meat eater but get cravings if I have not had enough vegetable matter.
I am five weeks into Dr Brooke Goldner’s protocol - whole food plant based. Definitely feel better. Blood results are going to be done mid December so we shall see. She had lupus and has been symptom free for 14 years. Look her up.
There are all sorts of people who have called her a fraud. I think what she has done is the answer or at least part of the answer.
She started out with anti phospholipid syndrome which other have stated absolutely cannot be cured.
10 years ago I was started on warfarin with a diagnosis of being on it for life after dangerous anti phospholipid complications almost killed me.
Last year I was taken off warfarin with an instruction in my medical notes and to my GP never to restart it following an uncontrolled gastric bleed.
The fact that I was put on it for anti phospholipid syndrome was completely dismissed but all were adament that it was now a risk for me to be on blood thinners.
I am convinced that this all came about as a result of my dietary changes. So now I am further incentivised to continue along this path.
I have since read that with anti phospholipid syndrome the body is reacting against false phospholipids.
What are they? It's all the gunk that has been created to create margarines and cheaper vegetable oils. Stuff that goes into processed food instead of real ingredients to keep costs down.
I was just thinking about Brooke being dismissed as a fraud by many...
I guess it's a lot more palatable to dismiss her as a fraud than to fully confront the possibility that our regular food supply may not be able to provide great enough levels of nutrients to keep us healthy.
Dr Terri Wahl's managed to turn her advanced MS diagnosis around once she took things into her own hands and paid some serious attention to her diet as well.
Both medical professionals and both seen improvements after looking at their diets.
Dr Brooke Goldner MD wrote GOODBYE LUPUS and cured herself of Lupus with “hyper-nourishment” by consuming raw plant foods.. I have been attempting to follow her regime and managed to get inflammatory markers back down within normal range. However I have now developed a salicylate sensitivity (lip and mouth swelling), so am unable to strictly follow her diet.
Do a search and you will find considerable information re her strategies online.
I've been a veggie on and off most of my life and I always notice when I eat meat/dairy that I feel generally more sluggish but then approximately 18 months ago I made the switch to a plant based diet. In all honesty I can say that I have had the most positive reaction to my change in diet, firstly I have lost 2 stone (12kg or 28lbs depending where you're from) this helped my joint pain so much as there isn't extra weight on them. My energy levels have increased massively since I've been eating a whole foods plant based diet, preparing food and cutting the processed stuff has been a real game changer for me I have started becoming really experimental in the kitchen and its amazing I would recommend watching the happy pear on YouTube they have some delicious recipes and they are so easy to make!
When it comes to blood work my ANAs have gone down recently they used to be 360 and now they are in the 200s (cant remember the exact number - thats brain fog for you!) I don't have to take iron tablets anymore and generally looking a whole lot healthier.
I would say before embarking on a plant based diet make sure you do your research and plan thoroughly any diet is good but you need to make sure you get all your vitamins and minerals in - Vitamin B12 is a must to take as a suppliment but I bought a multivitamin formulated for Vegans to make sure I get everything I need.
There are so many documentaries on plant based diets now if you google them you can see and most are available on the internet - what the health is a really good one and a new documentary called Game Changers has just come out.
If you want any further information about plant based eating you can message me at anytime I'm more than happy to help
Leenie x
When I got diagnosed with lupus SLE in late 2017 I read a lot of books on how to “cure” all symptoms with a plant-based diet. I’ve been vegan since and on the whole all my symptoms have been less affecting. The reason I’m not bragging about it: I was planning to transition into veganism by experimenting with vegan ready meals/junk food in restaurants and supermarkets and tbh I just got stuck in buying those items and dishes. I haven’t a flare for almost a year but at the moment I’m in the middle of one using a short course of steroids
I keep telling myself to quit all mass-made vegan stuff because I’ve read a lot about how it helps everything. I guess my problem is I love food and I’m greedy! I love being vegan because I used to only buy meat with only high-welfare products but now I can feel I’m doing something wonderful for animals and for the environment at the same time!
As soon as I follow the advice in the books I’ll give you my feedback! I’ve also seen What the Health (the film) and it’s a similar vibe. I must get rid of everything not recommended!
Go for it! I’ve never regretted it! Xx
Sugar is the HUGE inflammation culprit. It's also said that cancer starves without access to sugar. So light on sugar and foods that breakdown into sugars as well.
I've been a vegan for a long time. Dairy is definitely inflammatory as it's a growth food, designed for babies. Cancer care is to stop dairy as it can cause cancer cells to grow. I guess it's the same with immune inflammation.
I noticed a HUGE difference when I first went plant based, I was able to go into remission for two years without being on any medication at all, my disease did become a bit more active and I went back on plaquenil but I recently started drinking Millenia tea which is picked and flash frozen rather than dried and I did cut down on gluten considerably and I am back in remission and off of plaquenil again
What I would really like to find is a food based remedy for digital ulcers. I have had some degree of success in many other areas but the finger ulcers are still the bane of my life.
I was already a vegetarian when i got lupus. Much more important is stress management then diet, in my opinion. Having said that, there is a consensus that Mediterranean diet is the best diet overall, so keeping a healthy diet might help us in general.
I agree about the stress miccika, 💯%!
A Mediterranean diet would include fish, correct? (Not to bear a dead horse.)