Hi all,
Just wanted to say thank you for your support and comments. I got all my labs back but one and have to say although they look good, I’m disappointed as I was hoping for something to show. Cbc is normal and my ANA at this point is 1:40 positive homogeneous, the lowest I have seen it besides negative and anti dsdna antibodies are <=200 (range >=200) whatever that means. My sed rate is at 10, the highest it’s ever been but it’s still normal.
She gave me a 40min appointment but I wrote her back saying we can go back to 20 if shes wants as I wouldn’t blame her and she said we can talk at my appointment.
All this to say that I’m not sure if I just don’t have lupus or if I’m not in a flair. For those that haven’t been following, I’ve previously posted, my dsdna, smith, rnp, cardiolipin, and phospholipid antibodies have not been positive from any results I have. I’ve got alot of positive ANAs, highest is 1:320 homogeneous. Low wbcs, low rbcs, anemia, fatigue, muscle aches, low platelets but not below 100k, 1 low c4 complement at 12, rashes that aren’t butterfly or discoid, ibs, mouth ulcers that may not be the right ones, random bouts of vertigo, genes that are commonly seen in Lupus (but she doesn’t care about those), anxiety, some paranoia dermatographia, post graves, Autoimmune gastritis, and small fiber poly neuropathy etc.
I’m having some anxiety that I will be brushed aside again. I know that ANAs go up and down, but all my labs look good this time and I guess I’m just wondering if this is a lost cause?