Hi, I wrote a while ago as I had been told I had positive ANA but had to wait to see the Gp.
I’ve seen him today and got the following results
ANA positive 1:320 titre nuclear coarse speckled pattern
Anti RO52 positive
La negative
Sm negative
RNP negative
Jo 1 negative
Scl 70 negative
Anti RO60 positive.
He is going to refer me to a rheumatologist (at least a 3month wait). And seek advice from an obstetrician as I have been trying for a baby and had a miscarriage in April. He doesn’t think the obstetrician will see me as I haven’t had 3, so will go down the what do I need to do if I fall pregnant (will probably be some kind of steroid).
Does anyone have any experience of the results? He says it’s possible lupus or Sjorgrens, and he thinks more likely the latter. Especially with the raynauds, reaction to light and I have now developed a dry left eye (in the last two weeks - I blame the windy Devon beaches on holiday)
He has recommended not actively trying for a baby till I see the rheumatologist which at the age of 38 is very hard to hear.
Thank you