Hi all,
I need to first thank Eekt (thank you! thank you!), who brought this to my attention by posting an article on this site about 4 months ago regarding the links between breast implants and autoimmune diseases. Since that time, there has been a flood of new information, not least of which is an immune system cancer -- (BIA-ALCL) Breast-Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma. An IMMUNE SYSTEM cancer!
Having already gone through breast cancer in 2012, bi-lateral mastectomy and reconstruction; and now having a disease of the immune system, I can tell you that all my hairs are standing.
Not 2 weeks ago a friend from Canada forwarded this article:
It refers to more and more women becoming sick due to their implants. And -- the hopeful part -- that many, after explant, are getting better! Some instantly! I searched for hours finding more and more info that supported this claim and disturbing articles and abstracts that said there were not enough statistics to show women's health more than a few years on, since the studies were not upheld. (!!) And what statistics there were, were gathered by the implant companies themselves. (!!) So immediately I checked my implant identity cards to discover that they were indeed made by the very company who made the implants in cancer question at present. (!!) They have been banned in France and are pending a ban in Canada right now. Horror!
I wrote to them and last week I received a long and thorough email back, taking me very seriously and creating a file. Then today, I managed to get through to my breast care cancer clinic. I was very nervous about that call, remembering how proud my surgeon was to be able to offer me breasts right after a mastectomy. And remembering what a special relationship I had with her through that horrible time. Yet here I was, not 7 years later, wanting to undo all her beautiful, caring work...
I told the nurse I had developed UCTD about 2 years ago. I was sure she knew about the recent implant drama. She did. I told her how my Rheumatologist said I was likely to be on immunosuppressants for the rest of my life, but that I was reading that some people, after explant, were actually getting better. And so I knew I needed to have them removed to give myself a chance.
I clenched my teeth and braced myself.
But there was no defence, no questioning, no take, just all give. She would move my Aug review up with my surgeon for as soon as she could. She could tell I had decided and was utterly understanding. When I hung up the phone I broke down and wept with the lasting and now present memories of the sheer support of those people. How desperately all of us in our various connective tissue and auto-immune diseases need that too.
I know this particular situation is only going to apply to a very very few of you out there, but if you are out there and are reading because you've had implants and now have a CTD/autoimmune disease, please feel free to respond and I'll happily share more articles and ways to report your case. Otherwise, thank you for reading and being here as such a wonderful group of people to report to after a particularly tough few days with my UCTD.
Panda x