I AM ANGRY WITH YOU MY BODY (coping with Lupus) - LUPUS UK


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I AM ANGRY WITH YOU MY BODY (coping with Lupus)

Pipido36 profile image
•6 Replies

The poem below, I wrote it one night when I could not sleep! Instead of getting frustrated I thought I can put down what I really felt!

Sorry its really long! 😘


I am angry with you my body

For making me the way I am

For letting me think things will get better, when they are getting worse

I am angry with you for letting me down from a tender age

Enduring all sorts of pain that came to me through you

It seems you made a choice to bring shelter to everything that comes your way

If you were a garden, I could say you sow some nasty plants which are not of any benefit to you.

Is it the saying that goes you reap what you sow that inspired you?

I think I misunderstood as you are reaping the harmful stuff only

When growing up I thought I was doing everything by your book.

Thought I ticked all the good boxes containing the good things

I followed the Dos and Don’ts graciously but only to be left baffled by what was coming

Some of the things which where,


Go in the sun without covering your body and that includes wearing a hat

Eat fried food, as its bad for your health

Use perfumed lotion, soap, or spray perfume as it is bad for your eczema

Do strenuous exercises as the pain will be unbearable

The list goes on and on……


Keep yourself clean

Eat a balanced diet

Keep yourself hydrated through drinking lots of water

Keep healthy and take medication as prescribed

Keep spectacles on you all the time to see better and avoid more damage to your eyes

Be happy no matter what!

I am trying to make you understand that I have tried everything

After all that I still got the worst of all

Do I need to make another list or just let it be?

What am I supposed to gain for not saying it?

All these things have found home in you my body

I am mad with you my body,

Where do I start, I’m not sure, maybe Rheumatic heart fever/disease?

Your first candidate

You got comfortable and invited a close friend LUPUS

I guess you did not know LUPUS travels with a lot of friends to support it

In no time reappeared with a vengeance

Arthritis comes with all sorts of joint pains

Fatigue, don’t get me started, can make me feel like a loser

How about fibromyalgia second best friend of LUPUS as I see it

If you had assessed that one, I don’t think you would have invited it as it takes over everything

The pain seems out of this world!

The pain breaks all records scales of a 1 to 10 scale!

That scale does not work on fibromyalgia

Let’s not forget Anaemia, well this one goes hand in hand with Fatigue, pale skin, loss of appetite, headaches, you name it.

How about Celiac diseases, I guess this is going to be a hard one

It comes with its own Dos and Don’ts.

Thalassemia! What is that! I did not even know there was such a thing! Through you now I know!

Am I supposed to know and understand all this, or do I have to keep fighting with you to make things better!

I thought eczema was enough, but I was wrong,

There is urticarial vasculitis!

That one is incredible in pain and skin rashes – wheals as they are called, it gives the skin a decorative feature which leaves me ashamed to face the world,

What can I say I have it all!

Melasma is another skin problem that came and disfigured my face!

As if it was not enough, or maybe because I could not take it anymore,

There came Major depressive disorder to twist my sanity,

Empty Sella Syndrome crept in as well, a disease I learnt through diagnosis

A syndrome I only learnt from the doctors and I did not know existed,

These two made my brain unhinged and confused

This was all overwhelming and I could tell you I could not cope

Anyway, the sign was clear:

Stroke left me with left side hemiparesis

Pleurisy attacks when it feels like

What about pericarditis not forgetting NSTEMI in short Heart attack!

Before that another stroke

Well that was becoming habitual

By this time, I knew exactly what I wanted to do, to help you my body to get better,

With help and support from a group of professionals

Attending doctors’ appointments to name a few with their specialty

Rheumatologist for the Lupus and Fibromyalgia

Endocrinologist for the empty Sella syndrome

Gastroenterologist for celiac disease

Dermatologist for the Melasma and Urticarial vasculitis

Neurologist for Headaches and Empty Sella syndrome

Ophthalmologist for the eyes

Pulmonologist! That one for the Lungs which are giving me pain in all sorts, Persistent cough, Chest pain, Lung cysts, Pleura effusion

I got short of gist!

So, go on to



Dentist for problems brought up by Lupus

General Practitioner

Musculoskeletal practitioner


Occupational therapist

These people are wonderful!!

Remind me when I forget of course you know I have brain fog, combine it with bilateral optic drusen what do l get?

Blurry sight with a big pinch of memory loss

Hurray we are winning, aren’t we?

Can I ask you something?

Where did I go wrong?

I did everything you wanted, some of it so embarrassing but had to do it to better myself

I always wanted to have a perfect well-maintained body but seems that’s never going to happen

Embarrassing as it was, I had to let the specialist see what was going on as I needed to get well,

The friends you invited made it more difficult for me as I had to take more and more medication

In turn some of the medication did well

Considering I felt better at times

Guess what the side effects did to me?

They are horrendous

I chose to keep taking the medication in the hope of getting better and wonder why I’m still not better

You know that some of those ailments cannot be cured Right!

Let alone have any medication specifically made for them to manage them

But trial and error of medication of different diseases used to ease the pain or suppress the immune system

Of all this, I am not complaining

It is too late for that

My anger is on that some more diseases keep creeping in you my body!

What’s the matter with you?

Can you not see that I am trying to make things better and, yet you seem to be giving up on me?

The bond we have is inseparable

Do you still want me to continue this journey with me?

Do you still believe that all those unhinged things in you can be tightened a bit to go on?

Do you think that if I thought there is no hope, I would not want to go on trying?

I know there is Hope!

What more do I need to say or do to keep our partnership?

I have never smoked

I have never been a good friend to alcohol, we went separate ways when I was young

I am very keen on good diet, whatever good means?

I eat lots of vegetables and fruits

I drink lots of water

I rarely indulge in sweet things

I exercise more often when you allow me

I know we have our differences regarding weight

I blame you for all this weight gain as you are the one who invited your friends to stay

The medication makes it hard to shed a few pounds off

I am trying and will keep trying until we reach an amicable agreement

Some of the medication make me eat more than I should

Can you consider looking at what I am doing to make us better and make changes

Look at me, I still think we can do it

What happened to fighting the bad to keep healthy

It seems you are becoming my number one enemy

Why are you fighting yourself?

If you were a car, I would say you go for servicing

But with you it’s becoming difficult

It seems you are doing the unthinkable by fighting yourself

Where do I stand in all this?

Where do I go and get help?

All specialists are trying but, in the end, it is up to you to accept the help and support you get

I have tried a lot of things

Acupuncture which was meant to reduce pain – not worked

Yoga- still doing when you let me

Physiotherapy, that one is constant

Different diets, most to make sure I get all that’s needed

What I don’t understand is you rejecting some of the food I eat everyday

One day the food is excellent, the next it gives me tummy ache or feel sick or burns my mouth

My legs are giving in

Walking has become a task

My face is riddled with brown patches that look like dirt

My spine is losing it

The pain is unbearable, but I am willing to keep trying to get you better!

Are we not on the same page?

If we are then, those pages must show the same things we have to do

Does it matter that I spent more time indoors?

Does it matter that at times I fear going to crowded places

Does it matter that it takes me more time than before to get dressed?

Does it matter that I need support to wash you?

Does it matter that some people don’t really know what’s going on but think I am putting it all up or I am a hypochondriac

Does it matter that my family won’t come near me when they are sick for fear that I catch whatever they have

Does it matter that all the friends I had before are no longer available as I usually don’t have time to spend with them

All that does NOT matter if we know what is really happening

I guess I must be patient with you

Today I am saying

I AM ANGRY WITH YOU MY BODY, but let’s work things out

Does it matter when I make plans which I never fulfil because

you won’t let me go through with them

Does it matter that one minute I am fine but the next I am in pain?

Does it matter that I cry secretly on my own because I fear what’s to come?

Does it matter if I blame myself for all the dreadful things happening in my life?

What matters is that I am ready to make things better

What matters is that I let those close to me to be aware and know exactly what is happening

It matters that I am not giving up hope as I am not alone in this!

I don’t want to be angry with you my body as we are on a long journey together!



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Pipido36 profile image
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6 Replies
Benne09 profile image

Hi almost cried when I read this. I can hear your anger, frustration, pain and sadness in your poem. I want to say something to help but I know I can’t do even though I don’t know you I am thinking of you 🤗❤️

Pipido36 profile image
Pipido36 in reply to Benne09

Hi, thank you for the message. I know at times we feel a certain way because of illness. Thanks again. Take care. x

Krawlins profile image

This is a masterpiece of work but I'm sorry to hear of all the many issues that inspired you to write it x

Pipido36 profile image
Pipido36 in reply to Krawlins

Thank you. X

Pipido36 profile image
Pipido36 in reply to Krawlins

Thank you for such comforting words. I just wrote out of what was in my mind! Thanks again. X

Melba1 profile image

So sorry you’ve been through all this. Very thought provoking poem though about our bodies attacking ourselves. Hope some of it eases up soon xx

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