Hi guys i am new to the group and wanted to introduce myself. I was diagnosed 36 years ago with SLE lupus. Today at 56 and for the past 10 years I have been drug free, heathly and no joint pain. I decided to join the group after meeting a girl called Emma who has lupus and is not getting the advice and support she needs from her doctors. They are treating the symptoms not the cause. I am no doctor but I want to use my experience to help others as I am so surprise to find how little we have moved on since my diagnoses. To remind me I have ordered a copy of my medical records to help with the more details diagnoses but these will take some time. So in the meantime anyone out there with SLE lupus or symptoms of SLE lupus which hasn't been diagnosed yet I'm here to help. What I can say also is joint pain in lupus is a symptom yes it needs treating to help manage the pain but the underlying focus should be to treat the cause Lupus and the pain will become manageable. In my case the medication was only the first step. It is a balance between a heathly life style which supports your immune system. I cut out all wheat snd diary (back then i used goats products) for example that helped my joints and digestive system. I didnt smoke or drink during that time. To protect myself from catching infections I had a flue jab every year took 1000ml vitamin C every day , used hand wash everytime I touch anything in public. Took regular exercise by this I mean at my lowest I walked and walked to relax my joints. I soaked my hands and feet in warm water first thing in a morning then moved eash joint to loosen them up. These are just some of the silly things that I believe help me. I was lucky enough to meet a doctor who sadly died some year ago who help me to understand the illness how to read the signs my body was giving me and how to treat them accordingly. But the one drug that supported all of that through my pregnancy and beyond for 20 years was Steroids they kept my lupus at bay and help my body fight it and eventually beat it.
How can I help!