It's exremely important to make sure that urine samples taken for testing are done by clean catch method.
I'm posting this with the feeling that I may just be the dumb kid in the class. As many know, I've been very quiet on here lately mainly because I've been through a very busy few weeks with tests etc since seeing my new 'knight in shining armour' general physician who is doing absolutely everything in his power to work out what is wrong with me.
He has picked up on and persued a lot of the small detail that other docs have ignored so far. One being the amount of white cells present in previous urine tests. From this he ordered a myriad of scary urine tests and in passing small conversation he mentioned that a lot of women don't actually know how to do a urine test correctly. I didn't ask him what he meant but it got my 'I'll show him' hackles up so I went home and did my own bit of googling. Lo and behold I discovered something called the 'clean catch method'.
I know a lot of you will probably wonder what sand pit I've had my head buried in all these years, but in all my years of doing urine tests NOT ONE doctor, nurse or pathologist ever told me about clean catch.
Hence, after doing all my latest round of urine tests by this method, it was found that I don't have proteinurea, haematurea or white cells in my urine!!!
I just wanted to post this just in case there is someone else out there like me who is wondering why there are all manner of things wrong with their urine.