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Results regarding hand x- rays

JennaShi profile image
15 Replies

This post is more of a statement so you dont have to comment if you don’t want to.

About a month ago I believe it was, I noticed that My hands were growing nodules on the middle knuckles and base knuckle first fingers and it kind worried me to be honest. So I went to a walk in clinic since it was late and the ordered x—rays and I went in the next morning. Since then I had gotten the results (paper form) and no explanation from any doctors as to what was going on, whether it was something such as osteoarthritis or autoimmune related. After some persistence with my functional doctor and bringing the x-rays to his office, he confirmed with me that the nodules are growing on the soft tissue and are jot seen on the x - ray because of this; he believes this is autoimmune related and not degenerative. The knuckles also dont look like they are herbdens nodes or bouchards. I am thankful to have yest another piece of the puzzle, still can’t get in to see a Rheumatologist though. But thankful that he confirmed something with me.

My primary has told me before that my issues are out of her expertise bit I still went in and dropped of the printed pictures of my hand x-rays and a note. Hopefully she will look at it and not shrug it off.

I called a couple other primary doctors in the area and I guess it will take a few months to get into another so I would reall mot like to have to switch over to a new one to get into a different Rheumatologist 🤷🏼‍♀️.

Attached below is one of the pictures my functional med doc took of my hand x-ray.

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JennaShi profile image
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15 Replies
suzannah16 profile image

I wish I could order x-rays without getting a DR to ok it, think I would have a full body scan and get it all done in one go. I have a lump at the base of my thumb which I think is arthritis related but not the rest of my fingers.

JennaShi profile image
JennaShi in reply to suzannah16

Is there a walk-in clinic near you? Thats how I got the order. Have you asked your GP already? There’s got to be a way to get them. If you’re being affected by it, I would think they would order them for you.

suzannah16 profile image
suzannah16 in reply to JennaShi

walk in? no way. I have to wait 6 weeks or more for a G appointment. By the time the appointment comes round I usually have a list.

JennaShi profile image
JennaShi in reply to suzannah16

I hear ya, its the same situation with my GP as well. I hope that you will be able to get them soon, It obviously bothers you. I don't know about you but I often have to be more pushy to get things done that are outside of the routine; my gp is out of her area of expertise so it can be frustrating sometimes.

Mean-time profile image
Mean-time in reply to suzannah16

Those lumps are probably rheumatoid nodules, I have them on head too....??? Who knows!!

suzannah16 profile image
suzannah16 in reply to Mean-time

I don't have rheumatoid arthritis I have osteo, could be some sort of bone spur I suppose.

in reply to suzannah16

Hi I read with interest your post which mentioned a lump at the base of your thumb. I have one and was told by a rheumatologist it was a cyst. They can burst them with a needle but they can grow back. Why don’t you go see your dr and let him have a look at it and ask is this a cyst. You may get some answers. I was told by my rheumatologist that I just had to go to my Drs and they would burst my cyst. That was a year ago and it’s still there and the rheumatologist has now said just leave it as it only grows back. Honestly we all need a lottery win so we can pay private as it’s all about costs. I hope you get the chance to get it looked at. Have a nice day and take care. 😀

suzannah16 profile image
suzannah16 in reply to

thank you, I will certainly ask about it.

KeepingUpBeat profile image

Well snap JennaShi. Same problem nodules appearing on the joints of my hands. I do see a rheumatologist who sent me for x-rays. When the results came back he told me they were normal. Anyone looking at my fingers can see there is something going on. I would not mind but with the nodules comes excruciating pain especially if my hands get cold. Luckily for me I am seeing a physiotherapist at the hospital this Thursday. I'm hoping s/he will look at both the x-rays again and my hands and give an opinion. Physiotherapist has been asked to support with all painful joints including, knees, spine, ankle and hands. I suppose if he thinks additional imagining is required s/he'll consult with the doctors. I'll keep you posted.

JennaShi profile image
JennaShi in reply to KeepingUpBeat

Did you see the x-rays yourself? Do you know if they are showing up on the x-rays or not? I’m sorry your in alot of pain, that sounds rough. Did you ask him who it was common for (a person with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis)? Glad you are getting cared for by the physiotherapist, hopefully they can shed some light into your situation. Man, I hope to see someone eventually lol.

KeepingUpBeat profile image
KeepingUpBeat in reply to JennaShi

Hi JennaShi so finally able to update. I went to my physio appointment and was told that the priority at present is the problems with lower joints. So I'm having physio and hydrotherapy on a weekly basis for six weeks. After weeks of waiting I was able to speak to an administrator in Rheumatology, she spoke to the doctors and obtain the results of the x-rays of my hands. Results, 'Bones and joints appear within normal limits.

No erosive bony features seen'. I suppose I will now have to wait for my next rheumy appointment to discuss further and get an opinion on what the pain, tightness, nodules and the change in shape of finger joints could be. Like you my hands get very cold even when I'm really hot from exercise, I have to warm my hands up my sleeves, rub them together or on warmer parts of my body.

Within the therapies department at my rheumy hospital there is a designated team that work with hands so I will speak to the rheumatologist about hand therapy if symptoms do not settle down. I'm self employed and use the computer a lot to write reports, I've had to reduce my workload so I could really do with some support with these symptoms.

Hope things are working out for you and you are further along with getting support.

JennaShi profile image
JennaShi in reply to KeepingUpBeat

It sounds like they are dealing with what they think is most pressing at the moment; that is wonderful that you are getting therapy, I hope it helps! Way to keep pressing forward. I hope they adress your other issues as well and not ignore you.

Thank you, Right now they feel there is nothing more that can be done for me until something further worsens so in the mean time I will het over being upset and keep going to a chiropractor and take other steps to manage symptoms.

Purpletop profile image

Interesting. I had a similar thing on my middle finger, saw rheumatologist and without xrays he said that it’s not rheumatoid arthritis but he didn’t say what it was. It disappeared in about a year on its own once my lupus settled somewhat. I’m not saying it’s the same as you, who knows.

JennaShi profile image
JennaShi in reply to Purpletop

Thats great that it disappeared, did they say what they thought it was? Thays great that your Lupus has settled down. I haven’t been officially diagnosed yet and the Rheumatologist, after seeing my results, doesnt feel the need to see me even though it’s clear something is happening so I am not sure where to go from here; would be nice if they disappeared as well on their own!

JennaShi profile image

Well, went to an appointment with a different GP in the same building as my normal GP and he looked at the x-rays and my hands and said that its either autoimmune related or anatomical and by the looks and feels of my hands and placements of the nodules it looks more anatomical. Still not sure what that means besides not being autoimmune related and most likely being the sides of my finger bones but were getting somewhere and Id rather take a truthful answer.

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