Hello everyone, a question about the rashes you can get with lupus.
I've never had rashes before and have had SLE for 10 years now, and all of a sudden out of the blue I've been getting really bad rashes. It seems to be worse in the night or when I'm sat down like it react to heat once it started but I don't think heat is triggering it.
A day or 2 after it starts I get all the lupus symptoms flaring up, fatigue, shortness of breath, headache, dizzy, sick, fevery/coldy type feelings, aching muscles.
It looks like hives though so I'm confused as this isn't what I understood lupus rash to be like. It reacts to my skin being touched/scratched and blows up and gets worse.
I'm going to try and attach a picture of it!
Rhumy put me of a 4 week course of steroids in October that cleared up the rash but all the flare up symptoms lasted about 10 weeks. They have been slowly improving (steroids course ended about 6 weeks ago) but suddenly the rash has come back and all symptoms have flared again massively. I can barely manage normal life things due to them right now. It's all pretty rubbish
Any ideas?? I know it's hard to tell from a photo.