I think it is too much of a coincidence that my Lupus symptoms and diagnosis came so soon after a bout of severe circumstantial anxiety, stress and depression.
Being genetically predisposed to autoimmune conditions including Lupus, perhaps I was always going to develop it somehow (who knows!) but I feel so sure that mine was initially caused by this and that I may not, or at least not yet, have developed the condition otherwise.
At the time, I knew I was damaging the rest of my body and I feel it was as if it had just had enough and a switch flicked. I remember thinking at the time that I will get physically ill in some form if my situation and environment doesn't change and if my mental health continues to deteriorate.
I have had Body Dysmorphic Disorder since I was 12 (am much better now) so I was used to living in a constant daily state of anxiety but it is these few months of what I would class a circumstantial mental breakdown (I don't think this is the PC word for it anymore) after holding such emotional stress inside for too long which I am sure was the trigger.
Of course we are all different and poor mental health, circumstantial or not, can trigger all sorts of other illnesses (or none!) but I'd be very interested to know specifically if anyone else has similar thoughts in terms of their Lupus and autoimmunity. x