Hi to all. I was diagnosed to be with Discoid Lupus about 40 years ago. Now I feel pain in almost any point of my body where there is a tendon: my head and face, around my eyes, my ear, my neck, my arms, my torso, my back, my abdomen, hip, buttocks, legs and feet. They are with chronic wounds. The only remedy I use is washing my whole body everyday with a shampoo several times. My physician does not know what to do either. Note that I am in Iran with much limitations and under international sanctions. I would be much grateful if anybody helps.
Iranian Man Suffering from tendinitis in almost e... - LUPUS UK
Iranian Man Suffering from tendinitis in almost every part of the body

Hi Iranianman ,
I'm sorry to hear that you have been experiencing this pain and your doctor is unsure how to treat it. You may be interested in looking at our blog article about pain management in lupus which offers lots of information and advice - lupusuk.org.uk/pain-managem...
Hi Paul. I think that all of us, patients with lupus, can pursue a healthy life without those debilitating pains, but surely it would not be a normal life in the eyes of the majority. But it is our undeniable right to live healthy while it is not an undeniable right of others to prevent us from it. So, in my opinion, the issue is the fact that we deserve, and we can, pursue that comfortable life but we should struggle for it. The community must recognize that right of us. Then there would be no incurable case in this type of disease, or at least in the majority of cases. Also, thank you for your reference. It was useful.
Wishing health for all my dear ones here.
Hello Iranianman,
Sorry to hear that. Paul's ink contains more practical information than I could offer. It is bad enough to face these problems when one lives somewhere with good access to healthcare - your situation must require real resourcefulness . Are you in touch with others in Iran facing similar difficulties? Do keep in touch here if you find it helpful x
Hello whisperit! I got much assured by reading this. I don't forget your favor. I will come here soon.
Hello again! The health care conditions here are very poor. Don't believe the stats given by the government or their agents. In my own case, I was visited and diagnosed by a famous rheumatologist along with, you may don't believe, seven others just in few minutes! She recommended me to donate blood to those poor patients who were at her office along with me, who, she claimed, were badly in need of my blood (O positive, with a lot of hemoglobins in it by then)! Yes, this was the only prescription she made for me. I will explain more later.
You may want to ask your doctor for a trial of steroids. These are very old drugs, so should be available anywhere. A good drug that is often given at first is Hydroxychloroquine. It is an old drug, but even in the US & UK we can have trouble locating.
Are there are any other rheumatologists available, even if you have to travel. A good rheumatologist is best.
Thank you AnnNY, but I cannot take them, since my eyes are much sensitive to the. I personally prefer herbal medicine, for instance psyllium. I used it long ago. Now I should resume its use again, both as an oral medicine and as a means for washing my skin. In addition, it has not those fearful side effects as well!