Hi I'm due to have surgery in two weeks and was told to stop my Cellcept and plaquenill 2 weeks before and not to start them again until my hand has healed.The problem is I'm also reducing my steriods and am down to 3mg after 2 yrs. I'm really tired and joint pain etc but am taking pain killers to try and compensate for the steriods. I'm wondering if anyone has gone through this and has any suggestions on how to cope without the meds during this time I'm afraid of having a flare again and ending up in the hospital again. Thanks.
Carpal tunnel surgery : Hi I'm due to have surgery... - LUPUS UK
Carpal tunnel surgery

Hi 1573
Sorry your facing carpal tunnel surgery but I'm sure you will be pleased at result. Relief is fab!.
I had both mine done a few years ago at different times and just wonder who told you to come off cellcept and Hydroxy as that seems a bit OTT to me!. Unless thinking has changed and it can!. I was on that drug and didn't have to come off it. It's only a 10 min op and mine was a local anaesthetic unless yours is more complicated.
Well done for getting your steroids down to 3 mg!. Great achievement!. You should have been given advice about these because our bodies can react to something like an op as it's an added stress!. A couple of days before your op you should increase the dose and for day of op and then come down again afterwards!. You need to ask your doctors how much to increase them by! This will prevent a flare!.. Have you done a pre- op yet?. They will go thru this then .!.
Hope this is helpful and good luck for the op. Hope all goes well. Keep us posted. X
Hi I was to have the op last month but at the last minute they cancelled it as the surgeon said that because I was still on my meds and the chance of infection they wouldn't do it so now both my rhumy and surgeon both said I had to come off 2 was in advance so I've stopped the Cellcept but am hesitant to stop the plaquenill aswell as I'll be left with practically nothing. I did think about going back up to 5mg of steriods but it's a pain having to wean off them again. I just want this over with and be able to use my hand again so glad it worked for you.
. Thanks for replying 😊🙋
Hi 1573
I can understand the infection worry for cellcept but not Hydroxy and of course your scared of having flares afterwards!. I implore you to seek advice about increasing the steroids!.i know it's hard reducing but the increase doesn't have to be by much. This is so important as I didn't know that the body can't take the added stress of a procedure and paid the price in losing my teeth nerves in a big flare!. Nothing to do with the carpal tunnel I hasten to add but something else!. It's awful to have procedures cancelled at last minute when we're pysched up for them, such stress so I hope your having it soon and it goes well. X
Hi yes I think I will increase to 5mg I'm due to have it done on the 7th Dec I have not stopped the plaquenill like you said it has nothing to do with infection and anyway it builds up over time in your system so I don't think it would make any difference in stopping it and I have an apt booked with my GP on the 11th which works out well. Thanks so much for taking the time to reply I hope you keep well many thanks again.🙋😊x

Hi 1573,
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