I wonder if any of you who have been living with Lupus for a while can tell me once diagnosed, how long did it take the consultants to get the meds right to get it under control in the first place?
My daughter (mid twenties) started symptoms in April and was diagnosed in June when she started Hydroxychloroquine along side 3 weeks of steriods.
Initially the symptoms (sore rash on face, in ears on feet and hands subsided) but once steriods finished symptoms returned and new ones showed up.
They did put her one Azathioprine alongside Hydroxy (and steriods again) but stopped the Azathioprine quickly as one set of labs hadn't come back from London - still not back a month or more later.
She is now on 3rd 3 weeks course of steriods to alleivate the latest symptoms that started within days of finishing the last ones (lymph glands swollen and painful and rash on face again). This is helping the lymph glands (not face this time) but the down side of the repeated steriods is her anxiety, stress and depression goes through the roof each time on them.
How long is it likely before they make an adjustment and find what meds actually get this under control for the first time? Its like permanent Lupus kicking her down since April and know from here that once settled and under control, aside from random flare ups she may well feel normal again.
Horrendous watching this happen to her with no idea if/when she won't suffer the pain, discomfort and symptoms.