I have many symptoms which falls under Lupus or another auto-immune disease. These include fatigue, achey joints, shortness of breath, anxiety, facial rashes and extreme chilblains in winter (they are so bad, I am unable to move, and am in so much pain for the duration.. typically 3-4 months of the year.)
I have been to my GP over the years with each individual issue, before I had the knowledge that Lupus exists. Due to my thorough research, and symptoms, I believe I may have some form of auto-immune disease, and Lupus seems the most likely.
I have seen it can be quite a difficult disease to diagnose, and can take some time. My question is, when should I see my GP? Throughout the year my symptoms can be mild/medium.. however in winter I have a massive flare up! I have seen certain anti-bodies etc in blood tests are higher when going through a flare up, and I was wondering whether it would be easier to diagnose/get to the bottom of my illness when going through a flare up, as it may be better detected.
I am worrying hugely as I know my chilblains are due to set soon, as with my other symptoms becoming worse, yet I want the best chance of any issues being detected.
Shall I wait until I am experiencing a really bad flare up?
Thank you for taking the time to reading my concerns, and pointing me in the right direction.