Yiphee - I've got my first appointment with the London Lupus Clinic tomorrow. It's been a very tough ride to get there but I did it!
I had to borrow money to go private because my GP, in thier wisdom, won't refer me on because I am already seeing a Hepatologist (seeing more specialist will only confuse things and we don't budget it - I explained it's private - GP still refused "we don't have to write private referrals") Hmmm. My heptalogist is good at controlling my liver flare ups, but by his own admittance, he knows nothing about Lupus, or anything else that is going wrong with me, he's a liver specialist... No doubt the absence of an official referral letter will rub somebody up the wrong way...
Being raised in Australian, I am blown away by the NHS, IT IS a brilliant Health system. (in Oz they have to pay for every little GP appointment, prescrition etc etc)
But the NHS politics and inability to diagnose internal issues (autoimmune) is mind blowingly confusing!!!
Nevertheless I am very happy to get this appoint though; even if it did take 4 years - what a war it has been