An unusual question today.
My grandson has yesterday had the above vaccine. The nurse told my daughter that I mustn't change his nappy because of my low immune system.
Does anyone know if it will be ok to handle the baby?
Or where can i find out?
An unusual question today.
My grandson has yesterday had the above vaccine. The nurse told my daughter that I mustn't change his nappy because of my low immune system.
Does anyone know if it will be ok to handle the baby?
Or where can i find out?
My girl had this when she was 2/3 she was in quarantine for 3 days and had to use a disposable potty and all nurses were fully gound up it is very contagus be cearful if you take methatrexate
Hi Hidden ,
Here is the advice I can find on the NHS Choices website (;
"Do I need to take special care when changing my baby's nappy after rotavirus vaccination?
Yes. Because the vaccine is given to your baby by mouth, it's possible that the virus in the vaccine will pass through your baby's gut and be picked up by whoever changes their nappy.
The vaccine contains only a weakened form of the rotavirus, so traces of it in a baby's nappy won't harm healthy people.
However, it could pose a risk for people with a severely weak immune system (such as anyone having chemotherapy).
As a precaution, anyone in close contact with recently vaccinated babies should take special care with personal hygiene for two weeks following vaccination, including washing their hands carefully after changing the baby's nappy."
Thank you Paul. I'm aware that I shouldn't change his nappy but wondered if cuddling him would pose a risk through his saliva?
Can't find any answers. I'm on Methotrexate.
Have a cooler day
Hi Ursi,
When my children had the vaccination, my nurse said to take extra care changing nappies, but didn't mention cuddles etc. I'm on azathioprine. I think everyday contact is okay provided you follow good hand hygiene.
Best wishes,
It mentions that "anyone in close contact" with the baby should take special care, but draws special attention to changing nappies, which is the highest risk.
Thank you Rebecca,that's very reassuring. Need to help out so my daughter can get some sleep!
All the best