Has anyone taken turmeric supplements for DLE lupus? If so is it beneficial?
Turmeric supplements : Has anyone taken turmeric... - LUPUS UK
Turmeric supplements

I use turmeric in my cooking using muscle testing or kinesiology to see how much I need to use. I can't take supplements may be because of the binders and fillers I don't know or may be because they are made in set amounts and I need to take only what I can take. It helps me and I trust the muscle testing which saved my life many years ago, so I just carried on using it. Turmeric helps with inflammation.
Cann - I didn't like to post about my recent intro to kinesiology and how much my Medicinal Herbalist had improved my life ! It was a Doctor who had Lupus for the last 20 years to,d me how she used this alongside her prescription drugs. I have used Turmeric for many years to great effect - I use Olbas Oil for arthritic pain and find that so many natural remedies help me. Best wishes Cas
I do not (to my knowledge ) have Lupus, However coming off HRT after many, many years due to DVT, I found everything started to go wrong, including aching and swelling of joints. I made my own mixture of a small teaspoonful of Turmeric, a little ground black pepper and a spoonful of 10+ Manuka honey. It really does help. Last week I decided to buy the capsules (to save me mixing my own), and the aches are returning. So I am mixing my own again from tonight. I hope this is of some use to you.and I wish you luck.
Do you mix this up in a jar ? For instance as a weekly potion or mix as required. Thanks
I mix as required, it takes a couple of minutes. Hot water, mix, drink, it works.........However.I have literally, today checked with a pharmacist who confirmed that I should not take the mixture any more as I am already on strong anticoagulants due to last years DVT and Turmeric is apparently an anticoagulant, so I must stop using it. I am so upset and wondering why my GP didn't tell me this......gutted.
Dear luppyabby - yes, Turmeric is very good for my DLE - it is a natural anti inflammatory. Can I suggest you buy the loose type and mix it up yourself? TansyAnn has her mixture below but I mix mine with a little coconut oil and pepper. I actually pour some on my cornflakes and now love it but we all have to find our own taste. It is lovely sprinkled into scrambled eggs, omelette and other dishes. Start off with a small amount daily. A good website is Turmeric for Health. Very best of luck.
Those who are using it, is it just ordinary ground turmeric as one uses for cooking or is it different?

Hi 0105luppyabby ,
Some people with lupus may experience a benefit from taking turmeric whilst others may not. It is important to bear in mind that everyone with lupus is different. I would recommend discussing any supplements with your doctor before starting them so that they can advise you about any potential adverse effects or interactions with treatments. Turmeric can interact with blood thinning treatment so caution is needed.