Hi everyone, I just got over Covid and I am having a lot of sinus issues and joint pain. I wanted to start taking some supplements. I only take Vit D 3 . Is it safe to take tumeric ? What other supplements are safe to take ? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Supplements after Covid : Hi everyone, I just got... - LUPUS UK
Supplements after Covid

Hi, I’ve been on immune suppressants for 10+ years. If I’m feeling run down I usually take Metatone liquid tonic which can be bought in Boots and most supermarkets (Boots usually 3for2). You’ll probably need more than one bottle.. the pharmacist has always said it’s ok to take alongside my meds but do check. Hope you feel better soon x
B-12 , 40 mg of zinc , folic acid Vitamin C . Turmeric has many health benefits. Bromelain is a good supplement for sinus inflammation. You can google the benefits of each supplement you take . It’s always a good idea to talk to your Dr about what you’re considering taking. I take so many vitamins. It’s hard to eat, because my stomach is filled from all of the vitamins 😩. Good luck . Prayers you’ll feel better very soon 🙏🏻💜💙😊
Thank you so much . Can you buy Bromelain in pill form ?
I take turmeric without issue also D and E. many post Covid people are taking glutathione??? Which is a anti oxidant.
No suggestions Jances, I just wanted to say that I am delighted that you have recovered from the virus. I hope the wonderful people here can give you some advice. Take care of yourself xx
I’m so pleased you got over Covid. If you are on anticoagulation, for instance as part of your Covid treatment, then turmeric is not recommended. I hope you can get rid of your remaining symptoms quickly and easily xx
Zinc, this has been found to help the immune system.
SO happy to hear your recovery. Best of luck. Lx
I took Elderberry all spring and summer. The cheapest way is capsules but the gummies and syrups or juices are so yummy. I took extra at first then cut back to a maintenance dosing. I even bought some elderberry jelly this month. Lots of sugar though. Zinc is good and is often in the elderberry supps.
I’m in pain all the time and nothing really helps me with it. 😞
In a previous post titled HINTS I suggested a few things that really helped me. At my worst I could barely walk 10 metres before I had to rest for a few minutes to get my breath back. My lung function was down to 25% . I am now significantly better. I'm not sure why. Medication or the supplements mentioned or the combination? I have a strong feeling PRO BIOTIC supplements in capsule form played a big part in my improvement. This along with my usual medication and the 5-2 diet and possibly some of the other supplements worked. I urge you to give the 5-2 diet and at least a PROBIOTIC Capsule every day. (Thanks Michael Mosley - love your 5-2 Diet and suggestions re probiotics). Consult your own doctor to check none of this will do you any harm to you before make changes to your regimen. Always listen to your doctors first. Good luck and Best Wishes JOWE
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what seems to work for me 1.solotalol 2. steroids 3. cyclophosamide 4. plaquinel . But we are all different and we all have different versions of lupus. Mine came with shrinking lung syndrome, AF and RA- so don't do anything without your doctors approval. Also Actonal and Megafol. as well as Calcium, probiotics, coenzyme Q10, Vit D3, Tumeric, Multivitamins, Vit c., Magnesium, Zinc Fish Oil plus some others and bit of a half baked effort at gluten reduction (gluten free) Also perindopril arginine, aspirin (100mg) and statins. GOOD LUCK JOWE

Hi Jances13 ,
It is a good idea to discuss any supplements with your consultant before starting them so that they can advise you of any potential adverse effects or interactions with your other medications. It is great that members of this community have shared their experiences with you, but you must remember that lupus is different in everyone and what may work for one person may not for another, or could be potentially harmful.
Many people take turmeric with no ill-effects, but you do need to be cautious. Supplements could potentially affect blot clotting and blood sugar levels. It is also believed that it can behave similarly to oestrogen so hormone related conditions could potentially flare.
Jances13 -
You should report any new symptoms to your doctor. Covid causes long term issues. I had the post-inflammatory neurologic stuff immediately after covid and developed reactive airway disease. They are still learning about all the effects of even mild Covid. Some of the post-inflammatory issues may look like your lupus, so you need to let the doctors sort it out.
Hope you feel better.