Hi all. I'm 35 & was born with Raynaunds. I was told as a child I have hypermobility & too much collegan. When I wass 18 my left hand pinky & ring finger knuckles dropped & they were splinted but caused muscle wastage so now they are just left.....I can't make a fist & the same thing is happening now to my index finger (luckily I'm right handed!) When I was 21 I was told I had Fibromyalgia & ended up walking with crutches. In 2012 I collapsed at work & spent 3 weeks in hospital. I was having jerks & unconcious spells thst last from 10 mins to 1 hour with no warning - they have been labelled as non epelieptic attacks & I have been told they don't know the cause & there is no treatment. I had IH but that has now been rectifed with meds & my CFS pressure is normal.
I have all these symptoms Neurology can't explain......I get a really red right cheek like ive been slapped, either side of my nose my skin is often mottled red. My heart bpm increases greatly on movement (I have not got POTs) I have noisey ears, my arms feel wet, my arm pits swell, my top 2 ribs often are painful, it takes me ages to urinate & a lot of concentration! Plus it's often quite thick, dark & smells even though I drink lots of water all day. A dip test is always normal. My hands & feet get different rashes but I have Raynaunds, I get red raised wheels on my lower legs & chest, I'm v.light sensitive, suffer severe migraines for days, in bed I am so hot inside but don't have a temperature & in bed & in the day I sweat loads. Suffer with IBS. My blood tests always have a high CRP level since a child, I am often anemic, I have low vit D & Calcium even though take supplememts.
Sorry this is a essay!!!! If any of this makes any sense to anyone I would really apreciate your comments & advice.