I have had agonizing pains in my knees since my teens, i am now 41. it has always been called 'onset juvenile osteoarthritis' by my GP. and that im just a 'sickly' person.
the constant headaches are what he puts down to depression, of course im depressed, i feel like rubbish most of the time.
im exhausted, can sleep at the drop of a hat, though it never feels like ive slept.
my elbows wrists etc ache all the time, and the tingling/numbness in my hands and feet drive me insane.
the night sweats are never ending, though why they are called nightsweats is beyond me, i get them if i have an afternoon nap.
my skin is red raw from head to toe from the itching, hands, arms, legs, feet (omg the itching feet), back, kneck and chest area. its like a game of chase most nights as the itch moves from place to place, and it comes up in hives so i look and feel like ive been dragged naked through a patch of stinging nettles
i lay in bed and im sure the neighbours can hear the heart palpatations
sorry for going on, just wondering if its worth asking my GP to look into wether it could be Lupus, thanks