This is my new rule.
My day so far:
12midnight - 1am: the usual: awake, sweating, nauseous.
1.15am: weird sounds downstairs. Discover that cat has been sick in kitchen. Clear it up. Step on something squidgy. Evidently, the cat has been sick twice.
1.30 - 3.30 back in bed. Think about gig I have bought ticket for - the first since I got ill. Remember I have to fill in tax form in the morning. Think calming thoughts.
3.30 - 5am Fall asleep! Dream about filing in tax forms
5 - 6am Listen to neighbour getting ready for work.
6am - 7am - Listen to cat yowling outside
7am - 7.30 Sleep! Dream about going to work, with cats.
7.30 - Cat yowling again. Somehow, this time, he is on my bed
7.30 - 8am Excitedly waiting till lansoprazole time.
8am Lansoprazole time! Take tablet with water. Feel slight sense of anticlimax. Switch radio on. Am told of the doings of a variety of pathological narcissists, who we have put in charge of the world, apparently. Think, "This is one of those bad dreams, isn't it?"
8.30 Lever cat from face. Get up. Run flannel under the tap for later cold sponging etc
8.35 Go downstairs
8.38 Clear up cat sick in kitchen. Its deja vu all over again.
9.00 Breakfast. Check emails. One from the gig venue says, "Thank you for your query about disabled access. This is a standing only event, but we do have some stools at the back of the hall. The view isn't great, though [smiley face]" So funny!
9.18 Take meds. Sit back to appreciate the effects.
9.30 Fancy a croissant. Check breadbin. Remember I ate them all yesterday. Eat three stale digestive biscuits in a fit of pique. Feel slightly sick again. Consider more meds.
9.36 Wonder whether I should tidy the place up a bit in case a friend pops in. Remember that in the eight months I have been off work, no friends have popped in. Decide I don't need to tidy up after all. Maybe those nice people from Channel 5 will visit soon, doing one of those documentaries about the work of environmental health officers.
9.51 am Think about other things I would like to do today. Cross off the ones which aren't practical. Left with, "Write moany post on LupusUK forum"
And all this before 10am! What breathless adventures lie ahead!? Have a good one, people! xxxx