For quite a while now I've had intermittent pain in the underneath of my foot - it's the most excruciating sharp pain that goes up through my heel as if I've trodden on a nail. The weird part is that after a while I started to notice that whenever I got the pain it meant I needed to pee - even if I didn't feel like I needed to. As soon as I start peeing the pain goes through the roof for a few seconds before than being relieved.
Nobody has been able to give me any clue as to what it is but this last week it's been almost constant and is reaching a peak about every 30 minutes or so and I'm constantly in the bathroom! It's also now going down the back of my thigh so I'm guessing it's some kind of sciatic problem joining in.
Has anyone else had anything similar or got any ideas what is going on or how to get it to go away? It really is disruptive at the moment and ridiculously uncomfortable. The pain in my heel I would have thought was a tendon or nerve thing along the lines of plantar fasciitis but it's really isolated down to an area about a centimetre across but feels like it goes straight up into my foot and I really can't work out what it's got to do with my bladder - I'm totally bemused