Hi all, Firstly sorry for this life storey but this may take a while to explain.
I was told last year after an operation to remove a skin leision (looked like a cluster of very small warts) that they think I may have lupus. This op has left me with a rarther large scar on my arm for my upcomming wedding! Since then I have got on with my normal life but the last few months noticed I have been really tired and quite depressed which is not like me at all. My history goes like this, knee and wrists problems (which was put down to repetative strain and under developed cartalidge) stomach pains and bowel problems (after a camera and taking biopseys of what im not sure) they came back inconclusive. I myself thought this could be damage from years of taking diclophenic. Then I began with eye problems swelling for no reason, eyes drying so much they scracthed the surface of my eye ball leaving me with bad vision. I then became allergic to lots of very different things suddely, ibroprophen, coconut milk, certain materials. My face began breaking out into dry skin rashes. Which I was told was late puberty and to not wear make up at all! ( This is at 23 when I very obviously hit puberty at 13) I have had menstral problems for years and years but since my skin problems and allegys started I am not longer able to use the pill in any form and had a coil put in which gave me excrusiating pains, went missing and took them 6 months to eventually take out. Then I had a borderline smear and when I have since had a clear one the nurse mentioned lupus can cause this. After all this and now my fatigue and feeling like im constantly under a black cloud im worried about going to the doctors and mentioning the lupus. I dont think im ill enough for it to be lupus compared to some of the stories I have read on here but on the other hand dont want to leave things this way. I want children as soon as were married and am now worrying about this side of things too!
From your experiences what do you think I should do?