I had a review with my rheumatologist this week, and after several months of feeling pretty awful, at last I'm feeling a bit better.
We agreed that this could be because of:
Increased steroids
Now diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency and have had 5 hydroxocobalamin injections over 3 weeks.
Switched back to cellcept brand of mycophenolate rather than the generic myfenax that I had been taking since May.
He feels it is likely that the steroids and hydroxocobalamin have helped combat the overwhelming fatigue and that the improvement in my morning stiffness and my blood results are due to the cellcept.
I definitely believe that I have less nausea with cellcept than myfenax.
Having quite alot of pain at the moment, in my feet and my right side ribs, but you can't have everything can you? 🙂
The picture is of one of my recent needle felt projects