Hello, I've been getting hives on the tops of my hands a few times and it starts off very minimal and gets worse and worse as the day goes on. Very concerned.
I apologize for being so vague in my above post..
After this started happening I looked at everything that may be affecting it- any new laundry detergents or soap or any kind of common areas.
Every time I got the rash I was in a different place than before- once I was at school another time I was at a ski mountain and another time I was just laying in bed.
I took an antihistamine as soon as I saw the beginning of the rash and it had no affect on preventing it. I also rubbed on Benadryl another antihistamine and that made the rash worse and more itchy.
I haven't gone to my gp because it has come and go and my parents don't think it's anything serious. [they are not doctors, obviously.]
I didn't mean to post this under the lupus page, I stumbled upon this scrolling through Google so I thought i would post.
I do have 5 cats, which I am allergic to and I have gotten hives on my face a few years ago from a different alergy but I have been taking antihistamines while I have had my cats and I have never had a rash like this in the 7 years I have had them.
Thanks everyone!